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Digital activism

Digital activism is a digitally mediated form of social activism and an umbrella term that contains ‘algorithmic activism’, ‘slacktivism’ and other practices that can be seen as digital activism.

Animal Rights

Animal rights is the idea that humans "do not have a right to use non-human animals for our own purposes, which include food, clothing, entertainment, and vivisection. This is based on a rejection of speciesism and the knowledge that animals are sentient beings." (Lin 2019)


Counter-mapping refers to the effort of mapping against dominant power structures with the aim of creating social or political change. 

Critical cartography

Critical cartography refers to the academic field in which products and processes of cartography are critically analysed in order to reveal hegemonic power-relations.

Hidden transcripts

Hidden transcripts is a concept often used in discussions of power and resistance, and it refers to forms of resistance and dissent that are kept out of sight for those in power.

Algorithmic activism

Algorithmic activism, when intentional, presupposes that the activists not only subscribe to the message they interact with, but also understand the affordances and the algorithmic construction of the medium.

Choreography of assembly

Choreography of assembly (Gerbaudo, 2014) refers to 'the mediated 'scene-setting' and 'scripting' of people's physical assembling in public space' as a key-ingrediënt of 21st century social movements.

The Risks of Civil Disobedience Influenced by Online Culture

Academic paper
Bas Keemink
17 minutes to read

On the basis of Ernesto Laclau's theory of political movements and current societal changes, this paper demonstrates that actions of civil disobedience in modern society that adhere to Arendt's criteria still have unfavorable effects.

Rupi Kaur menstruation

Code red: Rupi Kaur’s menstrual activism that invited online trolls

Jessaline Tanjung
12 minutes to read

This article breaks down Rupi Kaur's online menstrual activism. We see how menstrual activism evolved into online activism and discuss whether the negative comments and trolling Kaur experienced are inevitable consequences of activism.

The Handmaid's Tale: Transmedia storytelling and Activism

Iva Konstantinova
10 minutes to read

The Handmaid's Tale is a dystopian text that underscores women's activism, bearing its transmedia potential. This article, therefore, examines how its thematic focus transcends other media toward political advancement for women.

Picture of Madeleine van den Nieuwenhuizen

How Zeikschrift exposes and reshapes Dutch media

Iris Olde Hampsink
13 minutes to read

This paper discusses the content on the Instagram account Zeikschrift and explores how Madeleijn van den Nieuwenhuizen uses the digital vigilantism practices 'calling out' and 'naming and shaming' to criticize and reshape various Dutch media.

QAnon and how they remain visible in the hybrid media system

Sophie Mols
11 minutes to read

QAnon keeps succeeding in spreading its messages despite the efforts of social media to censor them. This article explores how the tactics they use, real-world events, and the current media landscape influence this.

Taylor Swift accepting Woman of the Decade award

Taylor Swift's “Fearless”: A feminist analysis

Leonie Milder
11 minutes to read

The life of the singer and songwriter, Taylor Swift, has been in the public eye for certain problematic issues over a decade. In this article, her personality and art are examined through the concepts of (cyber)sexism, stereotypes, and feminism.

FAcebook, moderation, activism, democracy,

Why Facebook? Activism, censorship, and democracy

Academic paper
Lauren Zentz
19 minutes to read

Lauren Zentz examine how a group of progressive activists interact around a certain set of Facebook’s hate speech policies and practices in order to make meaning of them, make both political and social use of them, and be critical of them.