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Metapolitics started from the idea of ‘the primacy of culture over politics as the premise to a revolution in the spirit of ‘right-wing Gramscism’ (Griffin, 2000).
under the radar

The post-digital infrapolitics of Jurgen Conings

Lisa van Turnhout
10 minutes to read

The infrapolitics of Jurgen Conings in a post - digital and post - Christchurch world show social media leads to both more surveillance and more anonymous opportunities at the same time. 

Extreme Politics

The post-normal era, uncertainty, and irony politics

Lisa van Turnhout
10 minutes to read

After decades of crises, normalization and fatigue leads to young people radicalizing online. Irony politics is a way of adopting new political narratives after the political middle has failed to give answers to these crises. 


How the VVD party’s ‘warm right’ convinces ‘the people’

Lisa van Turnhout
14 minutes to read

The Dutch People's Party of Freedom and Democracy (VVD) remains 'on message' by succesfully normalizing their neoliberal ideology in the hybrid media system, which causes them to win the elections.

Before Parler was removed from Google and Apple's appstores and deleted from the Amazon servers, Parler users discussed the apparent 'cancellation' of their plaform. An analysis of their responses reveals a complex fusion of very distinct values and beliefs that can be linked to, inter alia, the Manosphere, alt-right movements and a whole range of conspiracy theories.

Waving Spanish Flag

How is VOX making the Spanish flag wave again?

Jozefien Boone
17 minutes to read

The rise of the far-right party VOX is changing the political climate of Spain. By hegemonizing the ideology of the New Right, the party re-introduces nationalism in the country's politics and public debate. 

forum voor democratie, thierry baudet

Thierry Baudet and Forum for Democracy


Who are Thierry Baudet and Theo Hiddema? How can we understand Forum voor Democratie and what is their ideology? You can read all about them in our file. 

Fighting Liberal Democracy – An Attempt to classify Trump

Sophia Würtz
13 minutes to read

Observing Trump's actions is somehow contradictive - what we see is an economic nationalism on the one side, but neoliberal actions on the other side. This is why one could indeed speak of neoliberal nationalism.

Farage, Brexit and the anti-Enlightenment

Dieuwertje Schipper
13 minutes to read

After Brexit, we can see what a success Farage's campaign has been. By talking about the right issues during crises, Farage appealed to a certain population in the UK. His active online campaign was also a major contributing factor in his success.