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Graphic Novel

Graphic novels are a contemporary literature form of long stories told in comics format. They have the same characteristics of comics: multimodality, cartooning techniques and elements (panels, gutters).


Comics (generally referring to comic books and comic strips) are a popular form of visual storytelling that combines still images and text.


The picturebook is a storytelling medium that presents its text in both verbal and visual language. According to Barbara Bader (1976), a picturebook is words and illustrations in a total design, “an item of manufacture and a commercial product; a social, cultural, historic document; and foremost, an experience for a [reader / beholder]. As an art form it hinges on the interdependence of pictures and words, on the simultaneous display of two facing pages, and on the drama of the turning page” (ibid., p.1).


Arts is originally related to art and as such refers to a skill and to creativity. In antiquity and in medieval European universities seven artes were considered important: grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy. From the 18th and 19th centuries on – the period of Romanticism and upcoming bourgeois society - the artist, the one who makes art, was regarded as someone with a special talent and authentic character.

K-pop: from local to international

Gergana Mihaylova
11 minutes to read

K-Pop is a recent fad that has recently emerged as an apparent cultural phenomenon in Europe and America. That being said, I will analyse how Korean pop expands from local music to international sensation through globalization.

Daniel Radcliffe in Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

How Weird Al Yankovic changed the game, again.

Ot van de Rijzen
9 minutes to read

This paper offers an analysis of the film Weird: The Al Yankovic Story and how it masterfully parodies the biopic genre.

Keith Haring. Is Art for Everyone?

Clara Daniels
10 minutes to read

The graffiti style of Keith Haring is so public yet disruptive, it puts into question how this antagonisation can foster social cohesion. Who can claim art made by a collective in spaces shared by everyone?

remediation intermediality van gogh art

Remediating Van Gogh: How New Media Keep the Painter's World Alive

Marijn van Engelen
13 minutes to read

How can traditional art remain relevant and accessible in times of rapid technological developments? This article discusses the remediation of Van Gogh's work as an example of intermediality. 

How little clay men all over the world resist the Ukraine war

Anna Francuzova
9 minutes to read

This article explores participatory art as political resistance, blurring art and activism, fostering solidarity, and shaping global protests in "The Little Picketers of Russia" project during the Ukraine war. 

Image of Waterlicht by Daan Roosegaarde

The sublime in rising sea levels and related art

Marel van Andel
12 minutes to read

This paper answers the question of whether the topic of rising sea levels in art can be seen as sublime. To come to a conclusion, theories by Burke and Salmose are used to analyze Daan Roosegaarde's Waterlicht as a case study.