Games & gaming

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Transmedia Storytelling

Transmedia Storytelling is a concept that explains the distribution of media content across multiple media platforms. In a multi-layered media landscape, content is no longer confined to one medium, but rather works across media boundaries.
A ball of light moving through a picturesque forest

Sublimity in Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

Bethany Maclachlan
14 minutes to read

This paper investigates how the game Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture creates a sublime experience for players. It reveals that the game explores concepts relating to sublimity which enable an experience that could be considered sublime.

TACOMA(2017) (Steve Gaynor, Nina Freeman)

Daniel Obubo
11 minutes to read

This review explores the procedural and rhetorical rules involved in videogames as well as narrative and database aesthetic techniques utilized in the 2017 adventure videogame Tacoma.

games, gaming, culture, politics

Games, Gaming and Culture


Gaming has not only become a multibillion industry, it is now a sports and a network of different socio-cultural scenes. In this Diggit file, our authors dig deep into the world of gaming by focusing on gaming from different angles. 

Alice being warned by the rabbit he is terribly late

Alice in Wonderland and the power of medium

Rebecca de Jongh
6 minutes to read

A beloved story like Alice in Wonderland can completely change if the narrative is told through a different medium, such as a video game. 

The Suspicious Comeback of FMV Games

Inge van de Ven
19 minutes to read

Full Motion Video (FMV) games, which were popular in the early and mid-nineties but then became outdated, are making a surprising comeback. The lack of interactivity the genre is often derided for is precisely its strength.

"[CLICK HERE]": how mobile game commercials use Facebook's algorithm

Szymon Zbiegniewski
9 minutes to read

Mobile game commercials abuse Facebook's algorithm to increase the number of players. How do these commercials make use of various mechanics to reach this goal?