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Linguicism is language discrimination or language racism, the discrimination of speakers of a certain language.

Ginny & Georgia’s portrayal of biracialism (Sarah Lampert)

Leonie Milder
6 minutes to read

Analyzing Ginny & Georgia reveals nuanced portrayals of hybrid identities amidst stereotypical tropes. While tackling racial and cultural complexities, the series inadvertently perpetuates overlooked stereotypes.

the joy luck club movie review

The Joy Luck Club: the joy in finally being understood (Amy Tan (author); Wayne Wang (director))

Jessaline Tanjung
10 minutes to read

The Joy Luck Club is the pioneer of Asian American representation on the big screen. It emphasizes the expectations to be 'Chinese' from your own family and the struggle to be understood by your own family, all due to the cultural gaps.

Harry Potter's School Houses and the Analysis of Multiculturalism

Luna-Anastasia Riedel
11 minutes to read

This article will discuss the multiculturalism shown in the universe of Harry Potter, where group formation and school houses play a big role in self-identification and stereotyping. 

Stellenbosch University Language Policy changes for the Afrikaans Language

Nastassja Wessels
27 minutes to read

An array of historical issues surrounding the Afrikaans Language has led to a final stand-off between the Open Stellenbosch movement and the Stellenbosch University, which resulted in a change in Language Policy. Was the LP process democratic? 

Localising Japanese Games for a Global Market: a review of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Juliette Berndsen
9 minutes to read

The article explores cultural interpretations and substitutions which were achieved with localisation of settings, characters and other cultural references in the Western re-release of Japanese Nintendo game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.

Chinese restaurant storefront

How Semiotic Signs Can Be Both Helpful and Misleading

Jenny de Kleijn
10 minutes to read

This article presents a linguistic landscape analysis of two stores in the Netherlands to see if semiotic signs always reach the goal they were originally intended for.

A dangerous translation: A case study of the Japanese periphery

Catalina Amengual Ripoll
11 minutes to read

Even though international exchange has increased enormously over the past years, mistranslations are still not uncommon - but what if a mistranslation might actually lead to danger? Like being attacked by a wild bear in the middle of Japan?