Surveillance capitalism

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Surveillance is a mode of power based on the detailed and totalized observation of behavior. It is the prevailing form of power developed and deployed in modernity


The panopticon is a structure of power-knowledge, used by Michel Foucault to describe a system in which totalized surveillance can be organized.

Surveillance capitalism

Surveillance capitalism is an economic order and logic that claims human experience and behavior as free raw material for commercial practices of extraction, prediction, and sales.
Web 2.0 sees us.

Why we let Web 2.0 become the modern-day Stasi

Lisa van Turnhout
14 minutes to read

This article contemplates how our "culture of connectivity" brings forth privacy issues reminding us of government surveillance in East Germany. How does this work, and how do we all contribute to this culture?

Can ancestry tests become a threat to our privacy?

Carmen Gabriela Lupu
11 minutes to read

With the increasing popularity of ancestry tests, having our DNA used by big corporations might pose a threat to our privacy. This article analyzes the possible impact of such data-driven businesses on our lives.

Dr. Linnet Taylor

Dr. Linnet Taylor on data justice

The Editors

Would you like to live in a world with perfect discrimination? Probably not. That's why thinking and talking about data justice is important. Dr. Linnet Taylor from Tilburg University explains.

The politics of Google, google,

The politics of Google


Google is your best friend. That is the answer one usually gets when one ask for some piece of information. This answer can be read as an index of a very influential media ideology: that Google is a benevolent, neutral instrument providing users with the truth. Reality is a bit more complicated. In this file, we zoom in on the politics of Google. 


surveillance capitalism, capitalism, google, facebook

The age of surveillance capitalism ( Shoshana Zuboff)

Ico Maly
12 minutes to read

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff deserves a productive public and academic debate. It should not only be read and discussed by a broad audience. Scholars across disciplines must engage with it. 

Is Google politically biased?

Tunde Farago
9 minutes to read

In this article, the issue of political bias is analyzed in relation to the algorithms behind the Google search engine.
