academic publishing

Academic publishing

The Editors

Academic publishing is part of academia, but at the same time it is predatory and destroying healthy academic life. Academic journals are good because of the material published in them. This material has been developed by researchers in their capacities of authors, editors and reviewers. The quality, reputation and impact of journals are therefore not achievements of the journals and their publishers: they are overwhelmingly achieved by the academic community that furnishes top-quality materials to them. 

At the same time, there are fundamental problems with academic publishing. Its main problem is the business model of academic publishing. In this  file, Diggit Magazine compiles key texts on academic publishing. 

What is your name English course

Academic guidelines, generalization and inequality

Marissa Bakx
5 minutes to read

Day in day out, we as scholars use academic guidelines like the APA referencing style. This form of standardization is broadly accepted by the academic world. But did you ever think about the system of standardization itself? 

Martin Luther King

Challenging the politics of knowledge, continued

Jan Blommaert
9 minutes to read

Jan Blommaert: 'In the discussion on the politics of knowledge, the political-economic dimension is absent. Academics can do more and better things in attempts to redress existing racial and gender inequalities.'

Academic publishing and money

Jan Blommaert
4 minutes to read

We usually forget the real production price of academic work in Open Access discussions.

On the importance of Diggit Magazine

Ico Maly
7 minutes to read

Ico Maly (editor-in-chief Diggit Magazine) underlines the uniqueness and the importance of Diggit Magazine as an academic and democratic project.