political discourse

Witch in the woods

#Hexit: witches in Dutch political discourse

Ruben den Boer
14 minutes to read

Witches are hardly political figures, but their name and likeliness are used in Dutch political discourse, for example in the hashtag #hexit. So, what actually is the discursive function of witches is in Dutch political discourse?

Debates on populism and diversity

The monolingual bias in studies on populism

Juan Eduardo Bonnin
4 minutes to read

Scholarly articles written in English about populism often forget linguistic and discursive diversity.  Drawing from a monolingual tradition, they tend to overlook linguistic and discursive diversity in the political processes they study.

Trumps Tweetopoetics

Jan Blommaert
6 minutes to read

Trump speaks in tweets. But his tweets are made for speaking too.