
Martin Garrix in Paradiso Amsterdam

Reusing Churches in the Netherlands

Nataliia Vdovychenko
14 minutes to read

Churches close down because of the small number of parishioners and this tendency is an important marker for the position of religion in Western Europe. What happens when churches do not attract the same numbers of believers anymore?

Seyran Ates Liberal Mosque Berlin Goethe stop extremism

Seyran Ates: Female Muslim leader and intellectual

Odile Heynders
5 minutes to read

The Berlin Ibn Rushd-Goethe Mosque opened in the summer of 2017. The intention of its feminist leader, Seyran Ates, is to create an atmosphere for a peaceful and democratic Islam. Odile Heynders praises Ates as an excellent public intellectual.

The inscription on the wall says "for an education that helps us think instead of teaching us to obey."

Neutrality in the public education system: does it exist?

Daniela Meireles
9 minutes to read

A social movement in Brazil accuses teachers of public institutions of imposing their political beliefs on students, and defends that schools should be ideologically neutral environments. However, is neutrality in education possible?

Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein

Roos van den Oetelaar
13 minutes to read

In deze paper wordt onderzocht, aan de hand van de optredens van de metalband Rammstein, hoe religie en beroemdheid samenkomen in een metalperformance. De tegenstelling tussen deze twee werelden blijkt minder vanzelfsprekend dan gedacht.