The infrapolitics of Jurgen Conings in a post - digital and post - Christchurch world show social media leads to both more surveillance and more anonymous opportunities at the same time.
Criminologist Kristof Verfaillie discusses the totalizing and counterproductive aspects of contemporary, technologically shaped security and surveillance regimes.
The terrorist attack in New Zealand has an offline and an online dimension and it is crucial that we take this online/offline nexus on board when analyzing contemporary white terrorism. says Ico Maly (Tilburg University).
Loads of people got involved in the Paris attacks: perpetrators, Islamic State, victims, and the general public. In this article, these groups of people are brought in relation to online infrastructures.
Thinking about a freak traffic accident and its huge butterfly effects made me reflect on the similarities with terror attacks. Can such things be prevented at all?
The bulletproof glass wall to be built around the Eiffel Tower should not be dismissed as an embellishment. As a security device, it comes with the risk of sacrificing civil liberties in urban space.
Carsons tweet 'I AM A CHRISTIAN ’ went viral right after the college shooting near Roseburg, Oregon, killing nine people. This paper give insight on the person Ben Carson, what made him tweet these words.