
under the radar

The post-digital infrapolitics of Jurgen Conings

Lisa van Turnhout
10 minutes to read

The infrapolitics of Jurgen Conings in a post - digital and post - Christchurch world show social media leads to both more surveillance and more anonymous opportunities at the same time. 

white terrorism, deus vult, crusader, knights templar

White terrorism, white genocide and metapolitics2.0

Ico Maly
7 minutes to read

The terrorist attack in New Zealand has an offline and an online dimension and it is crucial that we take this online/offline nexus on board when analyzing contemporary white terrorism. says Ico Maly (Tilburg University).

The November 13 Paris attacks

Nine van Steen
10 minutes to read

Loads of people got involved in the Paris attacks: perpetrators, Islamic State, victims, and the general public. In this article, these groups of people are brought in relation to online infrastructures. 

Traffic jam

On butterfly effects and terror

Jan Blommaert
5 minutes to read

Thinking about a freak traffic accident and its huge butterfly effects made me reflect on the similarities with terror attacks. Can such things be prevented at all?

Ben Carson tweets '#IamaChristian' right after the Oregon shooting on October 2nd 2015.

Ben Carson's #IamaChristian

Suleika Gommers
20 minutes to read

Carsons tweet 'I AM A CHRISTIAN ’  went viral right after the college shooting near Roseburg, Oregon, killing nine people. This paper give insight on the person Ben Carson, what made him tweet these words.  

Construction and presentations of interethnic boundaries in the media:

‘The Moroccan Drug Dealer’

Mijndert Rodolf
8 minutes to read

Why does the media frame minority groups the way they do? How is this done? What are the the effects of these negative frames?