
De hypocrisie van Zuhal Demir

Fatma Arikoglu
4 minutes to read

Als de hoge elite in het land is, maakt het voor Demir niet uit of ze openlijk seksistische, racistische en homofobe uitspraken doen. Dat zegt veel over hoe belangrijk macht is in dit Navo-schouwspel, schrijft Fatma Arikoglu. 

Idiocracy inauguration

Are we heading towards Idiocracy?

Julie Peters
5 minutes to read

Is Trump changing democracy into idiocracy? And if yes, what we can do to avoid this future.

Trump Pinokkio Liar

Lies, damned lies, and executive orders

Philip Seargeant
12 minutes to read

The constant barrage of falsehoods Trump is producing is a way of attempting to ensure that that his words are taken fully literally when it comes to exercising his executive power. Perhaps, this is the ultimate paradox that Trump represents.

Trump Wall

Trumpian governance and the art of separation

Paul Mutsaers
2 minutes to read

US President Donald Trump epitomizes the rise of illiberalism in liberal democracies, as he breaks through liberalism’s protecting walls that keep social spheres apart for the preservation of spheres of liberty and justice.