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Digital activism

Digital activism is a digitally mediated form of social activism and an umbrella term that contains ‘algorithmic activism’, ‘slacktivism’ and other practices that can be seen as digital activism.

Animal Rights

Animal rights is the idea that humans "do not have a right to use non-human animals for our own purposes, which include food, clothing, entertainment, and vivisection. This is based on a rejection of speciesism and the knowledge that animals are sentient beings." (Lin 2019)


Counter-mapping refers to the effort of mapping against dominant power structures with the aim of creating social or political change. 

Critical cartography

Critical cartography refers to the academic field in which products and processes of cartography are critically analysed in order to reveal hegemonic power-relations.

Hidden transcripts

Hidden transcripts is a concept often used in discussions of power and resistance, and it refers to forms of resistance and dissent that are kept out of sight for those in power.

Algorithmic activism

Algorithmic activism, when intentional, presupposes that the activists not only subscribe to the message they interact with, but also understand the affordances and the algorithmic construction of the medium.

Choreography of assembly

Choreography of assembly (Gerbaudo, 2014) refers to 'the mediated 'scene-setting' and 'scripting' of people's physical assembling in public space' as a key-ingrediënt of 21st century social movements.

How Marianne Williamson rises without mass media attention

Thu Pham
16 minutes to read

Marianne Williamson is running for the 2024 U.S. presidential elections against all odds. In this article, we look at how she uses social media to gain attention and get her message across to voters in a hybrid media system.

Dr. Eviane Leidig

Eviane Leidig on The Women of the Far Right

The Editors

What is the role of women in the far-right? In this video, Eviane Leidig explains how far-right female micro-celebrities help to "normalize and legitimize" the ideological beliefs of the far-right.

How Andy Warhol anticipated acid house rave culture!

Wessel Joosten
12 minutes to read

This paper will explore and analyze how Andy Warhol’s Exploding Plastic Inevitable Now has anticipated and influenced Acid House Raves, in particular the ones at the nightclub called Shoom in London. 

JEf Verschueren, complicity, practice, discourse

Complicity in practice and discourse (Jef Verschueren)

Tom Van Hout
4 minutes to read

In this thought-provoking essay, Jef Verschueren marshals progressive values of solidarity, community, and engagement and compels us to embrace and share responsibility for a healthier public sphere. 

Schliengensief's participatory art project holds up a distorting mirror to Austria's political landscape in the 2000s

Schlingensief's Big Brother of Xenophobia: Antagonism in participatory art

Nathalie Schabio
11 minutes to read

Schlingensief's participatory art installation "Bitte liebt Österreich" holds up a confronting mirror to Austria's political and social landscape in the 2000s by illustrating 21st-century fascism in a critically thought-provoking manner.

How little clay men all over the world resist the Ukraine war

Anna Francuzova
9 minutes to read

This article explores participatory art as political resistance, blurring art and activism, fostering solidarity, and shaping global protests in "The Little Picketers of Russia" project during the Ukraine war.