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Ecofeminism, as a theoretical framework, delves into the intricate web of oppression, examining the linkages between the subjugation of marginalized communities and the exploitation of the natural world (Warren, 2000). At its core, this perspective underscores the interdependence of various forms of injustice, weaving together the threads that connect the mistreatment of nature, women, animals, and the environment (Gaard, 2009).

Agency in Children's Literature

Agency in children's literature refers to the empowerment and independence of children's characters. It involves portraying children as active participants in their own lives, capable of making choices, influencing their surroundings, and shaping their destinies.

Environmental Justice and Experiential Education: A Hands-on Approach to Building a Better Future

Katherine Huber
12 minutes to read

While people in the Global North enjoy the benefits of extraction economies that exacerbate ocean acidification, rising sea levels, and perturbating feedback loops, people in the Global South are often most severely affected by climate change. As institutions like museums and universities play a vital role in the interrelated histories of climate change, migration, and knowledge production, it seems vital to learn students how to discuss issues of climate justice. This article explains how experiential education holds particular significance in the climate crisis.

JEf Verschueren, complicity, practice, discourse

Complicity in practice and discourse (Jef Verschueren)

Tom Van Hout
4 minutes to read

In this thought-provoking essay, Jef Verschueren marshals progressive values of solidarity, community, and engagement and compels us to embrace and share responsibility for a healthier public sphere. 

Illustration by @_rosedosed on Instagram

We moeten het hebben over respect

Academic paper
Tjeerd van de Laar
14 minutes to read

Kritische analyse van het woord respect in de recent (2021) gewijzigde wetgeving over burgerschap in het funderend onderwijs. Tevens bied ik een alternatief voor de huidige formulering van de wet aan de hand van het begrip tolerantie. 

Banner of PragerU Kids featuring the characters from their shows

PragerU Kids: Radical right-wing content for children

Anna Skorodihina
16 minutes to read

PragerU claims that PragerU Kids content was made as an educational alternative to fight indoctrination, but it seems like it aims to promote far-right ideology. This paper looks into how digital practices are used for radicalization.

#MillionDollarBabies. Sharenting and its influence on kids

Selin Aydinli
14 minutes to read

Increasing possibilities and features of social media are emerging that make certain posts more appealing, like parenting content, with the result that private insights are being shared in public more and more frequently. 

Hindi Medium, review

Hindi Medium: Everyone has a different starting line from birth (Saket Chaudhary)

Yan Shen
6 minutes to read

The Indian film "Hindi Medium" is a typical realist film in which topics such as education issues, social class issues, rich and poor issues in India are discussed. If you want to get a glimpse of these, this film would be a good starting point.

Girl doing her homework on her computer

Gamification in self-improvement apps

Rebecca de Jongh
11 minutes to read

Through gamification it is possible to work on a more engaging way of learning and to truly let learners use their creative potential. Nevertheless, we should keep in mind that using gamification is highly contextualized.