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Metapolitics started from the idea of ‘the primacy of culture over politics as the premise to a revolution in the spirit of ‘right-wing Gramscism’ (Griffin, 2000).
anti-China discourse, anti-Chinese tech discourse

Anti-Chinese tech discourse


Chinese tech has become a prominent topic in political discourse. From TikTok to Huawei, Chinese tech is increasingly framed in terms of 'surveillance', 'national security threats' and economic warfare. Learn more about them in our brand new file! 

The main characters of Derry Girls

Derry Girls: Fictional Perspective on Real History

Anna Skorodihina
12 minutes to read

This article looks at how the Northern Irish TV show Derry Girls portrays truthful and fictional narratives to create a realistic piece of media, represent the time frame of The Troubles and gain the attention of viewers.

Schliengensief's participatory art project holds up a distorting mirror to Austria's political landscape in the 2000s

Schlingensief's Big Brother of Xenophobia: Antagonism in participatory art

Nathalie Schabio
11 minutes to read

Schlingensief's participatory art installation "Bitte liebt Österreich" holds up a confronting mirror to Austria's political and social landscape in the 2000s by illustrating 21st-century fascism in a critically thought-provoking manner.



In this file we have compiled some of our authors' work relating to the war in Ukraine. 

The 'Bob Dylan of Vietnam': Trinh Cong Son's anti-war music

Quynh Nguyen
9 minutes to read

In this article, Trinh Cong Son’s influence during and after the Vietnam War will be critically analyzed by making use of documents, literature, and domestic and international presses to ensure the persuasive delivery of his global success.

Banner of PragerU Kids featuring the characters from their shows

PragerU Kids: Radical right-wing content for children

Anna Skorodihina
16 minutes to read

PragerU claims that PragerU Kids content was made as an educational alternative to fight indoctrination, but it seems like it aims to promote far-right ideology. This paper looks into how digital practices are used for radicalization.