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Metapolitics started from the idea of ‘the primacy of culture over politics as the premise to a revolution in the spirit of ‘right-wing Gramscism’ (Griffin, 2000).

Centenary of Poland's Independence

Julia Wysopal
8 minutes to read

This article describes how Poland celebrated the centenary of its independence and how global media responded to it.

Chinese intellectuals, digital media, weibo,

Where have the Chinese public intellectuals gone?

Mingyi Hou
9 minutes to read

In the democratization paradigm the focus is on the question to what extent media institutions are free from state intervention. In this column, Mingyi Hou questions the usefulness of this paradigm to explain why Chinese public intellectuals seem to be disappearing.

Fighting Liberal Democracy – An Attempt to classify Trump

Sophia Würtz
13 minutes to read

Observing Trump's actions is somehow contradictive - what we see is an economic nationalism on the one side, but neoliberal actions on the other side. This is why one could indeed speak of neoliberal nationalism.

matteo Salvini, new right, lega

A peek into Salvini's taxonomy of migration

Max Spotti
4 minutes to read

The Italian Minister of Interior, Matteo Salvini, never misses an opportunity to entertain us with his law and order enforcement policies. But how destructive is his strong discourse on migration policies?

Farage, Brexit and the anti-Enlightenment

Dieuwertje Schipper
13 minutes to read

After Brexit, we can see what a success Farage's campaign has been. By talking about the right issues during crises, Farage appealed to a certain population in the UK. His active online campaign was also a major contributing factor in his success.

Dutch Language Representing Translator Dialect And Netherlands

'Dutch only at work’ : Discrimination or reasonable?

Meauraine van Gorp
16 minutes to read

Language requirements at work: a form of discrimination or reasonable selection? The following article provides an analysis that helps to determine your opinion regarding this matter.  

Benjamin De Cleen

Benjamin De Cleen on Digital Culture in 2018 & 2019

The Editors

According to Benjamin De Cleen, we need to be careful with making big claims about the impact of new media technology. However, people do need to consider important changes in the discourse and in the communication strategies.

Global Compact for migration

Global Compact For Migration


The controversy around the Global Compact for Migration is still very much alive. New right parties all over the world  find each other in their fight against it. But what is this Compact really about? Is it really a treath to the nations worlwide? And what about human rights?