
This course is part of the BA Online Culture: Art, Media and Society or the MA Online Culture at Tilburg University. Click on the link for more info on the courses and the programme.

In this international program Online Culture: Art, Media and Society (Culture Studies) the focus is on digital culture and (new) media. From disciplines such as cultural studies and media studies you study how digitalization and globalization influence our way of living. You discuss new ways of communication, art expressions as well as (social) media expressions like memes and trolls. You research how such ways of communication and expressions are established and how they manifest in, and have influence on a society that increasingly takes place online. Additionally, you actively contribute to digital culture by writing papers and opinion pieces for our own online platform Diggit Magazine.

Strijp-S: A Straight Line To Urban Rejuvenation

Vanda Vozarikova
17 minutes to read

In his paper Strijp-S, an area in Eindhoven, is analyzed with regards to whether the innovation the area strives for is reflected in its linguistic landscape.

Spoorzone Tilburg Station

Linguistic directions in De Spoorzone of Tilburg

Jan Dijsselbloem
23 minutes to read

'De Spoorzone', North of Tilburg station, was claimed in 1886 by Dutch Railways, and received the name 'Forbidden City'. Recently reclaimed, urbanization began. Hiding an abundance of signs, the area displays tons of indexicality.

The Emotes of Twitch

Jeroen van der Weijden
24 minutes to read

This paper aims to explore the linguistic landscape of Three different emotes taken from three streams are analysed. The results indicate that the usage of these emotes is universal; that they are highly mobile and complex.

‘Why not a zebra crossing?’, Breda (28-02-2017 , © M. van Gorp)

Who is dangerous?

Meauraine van Gorp
15 minutes to read

Participating in traffic situations requires knowing the norms and trusting others knowing the same norms. This paper, using linguistic landscape analysis, analyzes the underlying structures of a fake zebra crossing.

Exploring the Linguistic Landscape in the Sofia Subway

Asya Krusteva
12 minutes to read

In language policy certain norms and laws should be strictly followed. However, in the Sofia subway this seems not to happen. Four examples of language mistakes are analyzed in this paper, as well as a map with some correctly written names.

Language Diversity

Lindsay Lo-A-Njoe
13 minutes to read

Five linguistic landscape signs from different countries which give an indication of the diversity of languages used in these countries and the impact the signs have on the local population.