Environmental justice

The Editors

Environmental justice (EJ) theory and activism address the uneven distribution of the benefits and burdens of extraction economies. EJ is distinct from mainstream environmentalism and remains an underdeveloped field in Europe. It arose in the 1980s out of art, literature, film, and activism in marginalized communities to contest environmental racism in the USA. While scholarly understandings of EJ initially relied on appeals to rights from the settler-colonial state, it has since come into productive conversation with Indigenous perspectives, which offer alternative understandings of decolonization and relationships to land that do not rely on colonial constructions of territory, land ownership, and the nation-state.

As ongoing and on-the-ground EJ struggles around the world, especially in the Global South, are rapidly coming into sharp relief as the effects of the climate crisis intensify, this Diggit Magazine file captures some of the latest ideas and topics that expand understandings of environmental racism, migration, and decolonization through an EJ lens. The various contributions to this EJ file disrupt, revise, and expand scholarly and activist methodologies for honoring and amplifying marginalized perspectives and alternative ways of knowing to collectively work towards more socially and environmentally just futures.

Environmental Justice and Experiential Education: A Hands-on Approach to Building a Better Future

Katherine Huber
12 minutes to read

While people in the Global North enjoy the benefits of extraction economies that exacerbate ocean acidification, rising sea levels, and perturbating feedback loops, people in the Global South are often most severely affected by climate change. As institutions like museums and universities play a vital role in the interrelated histories of climate change, migration, and knowledge production, it seems vital to learn students how to discuss issues of climate justice. This article explains how experiential education holds particular significance in the climate crisis.

Nevado de Toluca


Frida Sofia Mendoza de la Luz
1 minute to read

In this story map, I delved into the topics analyzed in the workshop and connected the learnings with my personal experiences living in Mexico.

fast fashion

Fashion's Hidden Threads: Inside the Impact of Fast Fashion

Cathelijne de Man
0 minutes to read

Exploring the fast fashion industry's impact, this presentation examines clothing production, environmental consequences, and ethical concerns. It delves into cotton sourcing, coercive labor practices, pollution, and textile waste.