digital media, platform ideologies, digital ideologies

Digital economy and platform ideologies

Working paper
Ico Maly

Can we analyse digital media platforms as producers of ideology? Ico Maly lays out a framework to do exactly that. 


Nosedive, a vicious take on social media (Joe Wright)

Heleen Dijkhuizen
3 minutes to read

Black Mirror's Nosedive shows us a vicious take on social media.

The Beatles and Globalization in the Sixties

Mariska van Schijndel
28 minutes to read

This paper discusses how The Beatles contributed greatly to changes in global youth culture worldwide in the 1960's. 

surveillance capitalism, capitalism, google, facebook

The age of surveillance capitalism ( Shoshana Zuboff)

Ico Maly
12 minutes to read

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff deserves a productive public and academic debate. It should not only be read and discussed by a broad audience. Scholars across disciplines must engage with it. 

When Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron wrote The Californian Ideology over 25 years ago, people believed the whole world would soon resemble the United States. Today, the situation appears much different. China appears to be the most futuristic country in the world and the United States, together with its  monopolistic tech companies, might represent a past we'd want to leave behind sooner rather than later. 

influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has some serious ethical issues

Nataliia Vdovychenko
10 minutes to read

Influencer marketing is powerful. In recent years  consumer trust in classic media has dropped. In the search for profit, a new business model has emerged on social media.

Taylor Swift Fans Concert

Taylor Swift and the story of the Swifties fandom

Amber van As
15 minutes to read

The fans of pop icon Taylor Swift call themselves the Swifties. This article will provide an introduction to this social group and its functioning.

Witch in the woods

#Hexit: witches in Dutch political discourse

Ruben den Boer
14 minutes to read

Witches are hardly political figures, but their name and likeliness are used in Dutch political discourse, for example in the hashtag #hexit. So, what actually is the discursive function of witches is in Dutch political discourse?