
Anti-vaxxers protest strategies that trivialize the Holocaust

How anti-vaxxers trivialize the Holocaust

Nathalie Schabio
14 minutes to read

During the Covid-19 pandemic, anti-vaxxers have utilized multiple protesting methods, including the trivialization of the Holocaust. How is Germany's Nazi history used by anti-vaxxers to protest against the pandemic management?

Coronamelder app

The CoronaMelder app: an internalized violation of privacy?

Ilse van Knegsel
14 minutes to read

CoronaMelder is a hot topic, but the Dutch are not very willing to use the COVID tracking application. Is this because of privacy violations or do we not care about our privacy anymore?

Digital vigilantism during COVID-19 : The Chengdu patient

Meiyi Su
10 minutes to read

This article explores the human flesh search and attempted digital vigilantism that took place following the announcement of four sudden COVID-19 cases in the previously stabilized Chinese city of Chengdu. 

‘5G users be like’: (In)visibility as evidence in 5G conspiracy memes

Mijke Akkermans
16 minutes to read

For several years, conspiracy theorists have promoted the idea that 5G waves are harmful for one's health, now even relating this to the coronavirus. This paper explores how memes are used to define (in)visibility as evidence within this theory.