
Waving Spanish Flag

How is VOX making the Spanish flag wave again?

Jozefien Boone
17 minutes to read

The rise of the far-right party VOX is changing the political climate of Spain. By hegemonizing the ideology of the New Right, the party re-introduces nationalism in the country's politics and public debate. 

black pete

Who are the Black Pete supporters?

Beau Swierstra
14 minutes to read

Black Pete is part of the Dutch Sinterklaas tradition, but is seen as racist by many. Each year, Dutch nationalists are becoming more and more active aiming to keep Black Pete "as black as possible". Who are the people that defend Black Pete?

Slavic Union

Pan-Slavism, Russian populism and the annexation of Crimea

Nataliia Vdovychenko
27 minutes to read

The annexation of Crimea was regarded as a huge success by Russian Pan-Slavists and as a victory against the West. This article examines how Pan-Slavism and populist discourse contributed to the annexation of the region.

Chinese intellectuals, digital media, weibo,

Where have the Chinese public intellectuals gone?

Mingyi Hou
9 minutes to read

In the democratization paradigm the focus is on the question to what extent media institutions are free from state intervention. In this column, Mingyi Hou questions the usefulness of this paradigm to explain why Chinese public intellectuals seem to be disappearing.

Benjamin De Cleen

Benjamin De Cleen on Digital Culture in 2018 & 2019

The Editors

According to Benjamin De Cleen, we need to be careful with making big claims about the impact of new media technology. However, people do need to consider important changes in the discourse and in the communication strategies.