
Two screens showing the BeReal notification

BeReal: How Authenticity Turns into Violation of Privacy

Anna Skorodihina
13 minutes to read

This article looks at how the new social media platform BeReal structures its app to enforce what is called an expository society through behaviour modification and how it plays into societies of control, compromising user privacy.

Apple's surveillance system in contemporary society

Gergana Mihaylova
12 minutes to read

This article discusses how Apple surveils its users and influences their behavior through their multiple devices, violates their privacy, and exploits their data.

The governmental fight and the concept of privacy

Nikki Bergmans
16 minutes to read

This paper analyzes the concept of privacy and the arguments of the opponents and proponents of the Proposal for regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse. 

Mail man

Ring Video Doorbell: privacy invasion delivered to your doorstep

Ruben den Boer
13 minutes to read

Ring Video Doorbells ensure security for homeowners. Through a discourse analysis of Ring Doorbell videos posted on TikTok, this article answers the question: which privacy issues do video doorbells raise for the person on your doorstep?

How WhatsApp's privacy policy raises major concerns

Nathalie Schabio
15 minutes to read

This article looks at why people use Whatsapp given the privacy concerns around the platform. Read the article to learn about the connection between the expository society, the lack of privacy, and participatory surveillance.

Coronamelder app

The CoronaMelder app: an internalized violation of privacy?

Ilse van Knegsel
14 minutes to read

CoronaMelder is a hot topic, but the Dutch are not very willing to use the COVID tracking application. Is this because of privacy violations or do we not care about our privacy anymore?