
Transgender surveillance and violence on (social) media: Dandara’s story

Jenny-Louise Van Der Aa
3 minutes to read

Trans* identities have gained popular attention in a time when violence against this population has escalated. This surveillance of trans* bodies is in stark contrast with a self-proclaimed trans* revolution in mainstream media. 

Madonna Vogue Voguing

How voguing spread around the world

Jana Nuiten
5 minutes to read

Madonna’s "Vogue", the documentary Paris Is Burning and more recently, social media all contributed to the globalization of voguing. Today, voguing is a worldwide phenomenon.

Voguing by definition: self-expression within the LGBTQ-community

Fleur Aarts
5 minutes to read

Voguing is a form of expressive dance, created in a time where being anything other than heterosexual was not accepted. Voguing is a lifestyle, wherein young men and women find a way to express their true selves without having to hide.

‘Knolpower’ als Social Media Celebrity

G. H.
6 minutes to read

In dit essay wordt ingegaan op de rol die vlogger Enzo Knol vervuld in onze hedendaagse maatschappij. Is het concept 'celebrity' toereikend om hem te kunnen begrijpen?

Amanda Todd

The digital age and online bullying

Lovise Neess
19 minutes to read

This paper aims to explore how the digital age influences social behavior within the context of online bullying, with case of Amanda Todd as point of reference. The analysis is done from a broad sociological perspective.

Ik vlog, dus ik besta. De deconstructie van de DIY-celebrity Enzo Knol

Iris Cuppen
5 minutes to read

Vlogger Enzo Knol regisseert, monteert en produceert dagelijks zijn bestaan. De overgang van de mens naar het merk verloopt geruisloos. Hij lijkt in staat de mythe van de hedendaagse beroemdheid te ontmantelen, maar is dat wel zo?
