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Generative AI

Generative AI refers to deep learning synthesis technologies that create computational content such as images or memes from text.

Audience Labour

likes, shares, clicks, comments, views, posts, only data to gain more visibility in the hybrid media system (Maly, 2020)

Economy of virality

The economy of virality grounds in the commercialization of our society. The content is not sold anymore, but our attention is (which has to be quantified in clicks, likes, etc.)! 


The spreading of digital content, such as images, videos, or links, in a short period of time through online media such as Social Networking Sites (SNSs) and electronic mail,  shared by a large number of people.

Navalny: the post-Novichok comeback of Russia's opposition leader

Nataliia Vdovychenko
19 minutes to read

Russia's opposition leader Alexei Navalny has made the headlines after being poisoned with the Soviet chemical weapon Novichok. How does one come back after a coma with the public wondering ‘What else did you expect?’.

Fake news, hybrid media, politics and democracy

Defining fake news in a hybrid media system

Judith Evens
12 minutes to read

This article unravels various definitions of fake news and situates it within a context of hybrid media, politics and democracy. Fake news can be overwhelming. I aim to bring a little bit of order into the chaotic world of fake news.

"Dems Fraud": Far Right and Data Voids on

Carmen Gabriela Lupu
11 minutes to read

This article deals with the 'dems fraud' data void on DuckDuckGo. While striving to overcome filter bubbles, DuckDuckGo has been overtaken by the New Right's optimized information ecosystem that only spreads their views. 

Protests in Bulgaria: "Mafia" Out

Savina Karneva
12 minutes to read

Bulgaria has faced significant protests against a corrupt government in 2020. This paper presents an analysis of how activists have used social media to coordinate political actions and gain international attention for their cause.

What is 'Live Facial Recognition' and how dangerous is it?

Lea Goeron
11 minutes to read

In a more and more digitalised world new technologies are on the rise. This article explores what live facial recognition is and what dangers and possible threats it introduces.

The (pseudo)science of profiling and surveillance

Piia Varis
9 minutes to read

Both online profiling and targeting as well as border surveillance are big business, but both also seem to rely on dubious scientific claims and foundations.