Digital culture

Digitalisation has become a particularly pervasive influence on culture due to the emergence of the internet as a mass form of communication, and the widespread use of personal computers and other devices such as smartphones. Digital technologies are so omnipresent around the world that the study of digital culture potentially encompasses all aspects of everyday life, and is not limited to the internet or modern communication technologies. 

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The manosphere is a multifaceted online subculture that centers around discussions of masculinity, gender dynamics, and men’s issues, drawing from a diverse collection of websites, blogs, and online forums that promote masculinity, often in opposition to feminism. While the specifics of each group’s beliefs sometimes conflict, they are generally united in the belief that society is biased against men due to the influence of feminism, and that feminists promote misandry (hatred of men).


BookTube is a community on YouTube that focuses primarily on creating content, specifically videos, around the subject of literature and book-related subjects.


BookTok is a sub-community of TikTok that caters to book enthusiasts. Here, they can share their book reviews, recommendations, and other book-related content.


Multimodality is frequently characterized as either the interaction among semiotic modes or the integration of semiotic modes or resources (Poulsen, 2014). It approaches comprehending communication and representation to be more than about language.

Generative AI

Generative AI refers to deep learning synthesis technologies that create computational content such as images or memes from text.


A podcast is an episodic audio program or digital file series that can be downloaded on a personal mobile device or computer.

Transmedia Storytelling

Transmedia Storytelling is a concept that explains the distribution of media content across multiple media platforms. In a multi-layered media landscape, content is no longer confined to one medium, but rather works across media boundaries.

Economy of virality

The economy of virality grounds in the commercialization of our society. The content is not sold anymore, but our attention is (which has to be quantified in clicks, likes, etc.)! 

Junk News

Junk news is news that is consumed and goes viral not because it is relevant or appreciated, but because it is addictive (Venturini, 2019).

Media Frames

Media frames in the context of mass-media communication refers to the way interpretations of a message are encouraged or discouraged. It was first introduced by Erving Goffman in 1974 through his book, ‘Frame Analysis’.


Hyperlinks are links from one hypertext document to another and usually consist of a highlighted word, phrase, or image. The term was used and elaborated on by Juliette De Maeyer in her article, 'Towards a hyperlinked society: A critical review of link studies'.

Data void

Data voids are engine queries that turn up little to no results.

Data double

A data double is a data-generated profile of an individual based on aggregated online surveillance.


Surveillance is a mode of power based on the detailed and totalized observation of behavior. It is the prevailing form of power developed and deployed in modernity

Multimodal Discourse Analysis

Multimodal discourse analysis is a method that takes into account multiple modes of communication and how they interact with one another.

Actor-Network Theory (ANT)

Actor-Network Theory is a theoretical and methodological approach that sees all social phenomena as the product of network interactions. It is unique in that it recognizes both objects and technologies as network nodes equal with human actants.


A chronotope, as defined by Bakhtin, is a specific spacetime context enabling a plot, characters, and rules for action and meaning.


Identity refers to various aspects of how we see ourselves, how we show ourselves to others, and how we perceive others.


Enoughness is a theory of contemporary identity that states that identities are constructed out of a particular portion ("enough") of emblematic identity features.


Memes are “a group of digital items sharing common characteristics of content, form; created with awareness of each other; circulated, imitated and transformed via the internet by many” (Phillips, 2016).


A frame is a set of meaningful signs connected to specific types of social action. Together they create a 'logic' of action and make the action understandable for those involved in it.


Formats are recognizably patterned forms of behavior, subject to norms and judged accordingly by others.


Globalization refers to the process of increasing interconnectedness between different parts of the world, creating global modes of organization and conduct. 

Digital culture

Digital culture refers to culture shaped by the emergence and use of digital technologies.


The spreading of digital content, such as images, videos, or links, in a short period of time through online media such as Social Networking Sites (SNSs) and electronic mail,  shared by a large number of people.


The act of posting memes, photos, tweets or other social media content, often in response to earlier posts, that does not have any relation to the post they refer to.
Futuristic books and their content

Healthcare in the future: PTSD & EMDR in 2045

Elena Sofia Silva

This podcast delves into the futuristic world of "Future Echoes" by Mary Thomson, exploring psychological narratives set in 2045 through the lens of trauma specialist Dr. Jane Washington. 

Digital facework and the digital interaction order

Ico Maly
8 minutes to read

How is digital facework different from face-to-face facework? In this article, Ico Maly argues Goffman's insights in interaction are still very relevant but only if we update his work with digital interaction in mind. 

The Silicon and the Scalpel: Wearable Wellness

Maartje Verschuuren

Welcome to the podcast The Silicon and the Scalpel. This episode dives into Wearable Wellness with special guest Vanessa van der Vlugt. We talk about changes within the use of smartwatches for health implementations and what has changed.

RoboCare Chronicles, a Digital Futures Podcast

Dina Bousbaa

In this exciting episode of Robo Care Chronicles, we go into beneath the heart of Elderly Care in the technologically evolved world of 2045.