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Online-offline nexus

The online-offline nexus is a description of social reality in the post-digital age. We live our social lives increasingly at the intersection of online and offline forces.


Orientalism refers to a long tradition of Western representations of the Orient as exotic and 'non-coeval' with the West.

Linguistic landscape

Linguistic landscape is an object of sociolinguistic analysis and comprises publicly visible language samples displayed in a certain area.


Superdiversity (also written as super-diversity) refers to two major changes occurring across the world after the end of the Cold War: (a) new patterns of migration causing demographc changes, and (b) the emerging internet and its generalized spread, influencing all aspects of social, cultural and economic life.


Globalization refers to the process of increasing interconnectedness between different parts of the world, creating global modes of organization and conduct. 
Mariam Duranni

Diggit profile: Mariam Durrani

Jan Blommaert

Mariam Durrani addresses globalized sexism, racism and injustice in her academic work as well as through a variety of other channels and media.

food, digitalization, globalization

Food, digitalization and globalization


What we eat, how we eat it and what food means to us, has changed profoundly in the era of digitalization and neoliberal globalization. In this file, Diggit Magazine zooms in on the different aspects and consequences of globalization and digitalization on our food and food consumption practices. 


Chernobyl as a medium of global art

Nataliia Vdovychenko
14 minutes to read

People all around the world discover the topic of Chernobyl and rethink the tragedy of 1986 through works of art connected to nuclear energy, information, and politics. How does art creation on a global scale remind us of the tragedy?

Mongolian folk metal: Between global and local

Carmen Gabriela Lupu
10 minutes to read

Mongolian folk metal is the unique mixture of Mongolian throat singing with metal riffs. In this paper, I analyze how Mongolian folk metal represents both the global metal community and Mongolian folklore by examing the band The Hu. 

Londoners on Brexit

Nando Sigona
4 minutes to read

Nando Sigona (Birmingham University) argues that London is a EU capital and its superdiversity offers a more welcoming space for EU citizens than elsewhere in Europe. 

Coffee places in Tilburg as linguistic landscapes

Savina Karneva
21 minutes to read

In this article, we analyze three different coffee places in Tilburg as linguistic landscapes in order to illustate hidden indexical meanings found in them, which point to their history, their present, and their future with customers.