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Agency is the ability of individuals to act independently and of their own volition.


Counter-mapping refers to the effort of mapping against dominant power structures with the aim of creating social or political change. 

Critical cartography

Critical cartography refers to the academic field in which products and processes of cartography are critically analysed in order to reveal hegemonic power-relations.


Surveillance is a mode of power based on the detailed and totalized observation of behavior. It is the prevailing form of power developed and deployed in modernity


Ideology is any set of socially structured ideas guiding behavior and thought in particular domains of life.


Metapolitics started from the idea of ‘the primacy of culture over politics as the premise to a revolution in the spirit of ‘right-wing Gramscism’ (Griffin, 2000).

Hidden transcripts

Hidden transcripts is a concept often used in discussions of power and resistance, and it refers to forms of resistance and dissent that are kept out of sight for those in power.
Picture of Ben Shapiro, in the background we see some of his social media posts

Telling stories using platform affordances: an analysis on Ben Shapiro’s social media use

Ruben den Boer
16 minutes to read

Platforms are not neutral. Their affordances and quantification shape the stories we tell and read. This article delves into this phenomenon by focusing on how Ben Shapiro tells his metapolitical stories on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Banner of PragerU Kids featuring the characters from their shows

PragerU Kids: Radical right-wing content for children

Anna Skorodihina
16 minutes to read

PragerU claims that PragerU Kids content was made as an educational alternative to fight indoctrination, but it seems like it aims to promote far-right ideology. This paper looks into how digital practices are used for radicalization.

Cover page of Kostadin Kostadinov and the members of Revival in the background

The political message of Revival's leader Kostadin Kostadinov

Iva Konstantinova
13 minutes to read

The leader of far-right political party Revival in Bulgaria has taken steps toward acquiring power in the country’s political affairs. This article explores how this far-right leader has managed to stand out in the political crowd.

The Risks of Civil Disobedience Influenced by Online Culture

Academic paper
Bas Keemink
17 minutes to read

On the basis of Ernesto Laclau's theory of political movements and current societal changes, this paper demonstrates that actions of civil disobedience in modern society that adhere to Arendt's criteria still have unfavorable effects.

The Handmaid's Tale: Transmedia storytelling and Activism

Iva Konstantinova
10 minutes to read

The Handmaid's Tale is a dystopian text that underscores women's activism, bearing its transmedia potential. This article, therefore, examines how its thematic focus transcends other media toward political advancement for women.

The trade-off between privacy or public health

Noa Reijnen
10 minutes to read

This paper aims to analyze how De Jonge and the Parliament have approached and reacted to a data breach at the GGD. The underlying question of this case is whether the Dutch society should value privacy or public health more.

When Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron wrote The Californian Ideology over 25 years ago, people believed the whole world would soon resemble the United States. Today, the situation appears much different. China appears to be the most futuristic country in the world and the United States, together with its  monopolistic tech companies, might represent a past we'd want to leave behind sooner rather than later.