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Linguistic landscape

Linguistic landscape is an object of sociolinguistic analysis and comprises publicly visible language samples displayed in a certain area.


Enoughness is a theory of contemporary identity that states that identities are constructed out of a particular portion ("enough") of emblematic identity features.


Superdiversity (also written as super-diversity) refers to two major changes occurring across the world after the end of the Cold War: (a) new patterns of migration causing demographc changes, and (b) the emerging internet and its generalized spread, influencing all aspects of social, cultural and economic life.
migration, global compact on migration, un

The Global Compact on Migration and its discontents

Jan Blommaert
7 minutes to read

The Global Compact for Migration has "evidence-based public discourse" as one of its objectives. Remarkably, this requirement has led to huge controversy. Are we moving towards a fact-free open society?

ikea, globalization, advertisement

How typically Swedish is IKEA all over the world?

Malou Janssen
9 minutes to read

In order to operate on a global level, IKEA makes many regional adjustments to their marketing campaigns. So how "Swedish" are they?

The bilingual Google Assistant: breakthrough or cause of inequality?

Sammy Kossen
9 minutes to read

Due to globalization, families are likely to speak multiple languages within one household. That is why Google made its voice assistant bilingual. Is this a breakthrough in the super-diverse world or just another cause of inequality?

travelling, travellers, authenticity, freedom, instagram

Freedom, Authenticity, and Traveling

Hilde Van De Laar
13 minutes to read

Travelers these days are not that free and authentic as they were years ago. Travelers get influenced and followed provided by technological opportunities what results in a market mechanism of fake authenticity.