
Women protesting against sexism for equality #metoo

#Wetoo: What dancers talk about when they talk about sexism

Ilse Ghekiere
13 minutes to read

From recurring Lolita-fantasies on stage to auditioning naked and backstage power abuse; female dancers talk about the repercussions of a professional reality that celebrates unclear borders.

Designers rethink social boundaries with gender-neutral fashion

Stefan Immens
14 minutes to read

Society is in constant change adapting to what is happening in the global environment. The fashion industry is getting stronger every day because it has been adapting in unique ways to society such as gender-neutral fashion.

Afro hair, Afro beauty, Afro Italian

Addes Tesfamariam
21 minutes to read

Micro-hegemony, a term introduced by Blommaert and Varis, refers to the dynamic complexity of values, beliefs and perceptions that shape one’s identity. Here I show how hair, beauty and nationality framed my Afro-Black-European identity.

Decolonizing the Universal Museum

Daniel Obubo
10 minutes to read

This article focuses on globalisation, universalism and the concept of the universal museum while dissecting The Declaration on the Importance and Value of Universal Museums through the context of stolen artefacts like the Benin Bronzes. 

The Migrant Identity: The Role of Art and Media in Identity Formation

Rebecca de Jongh
31 minutes to read

Migration is one of the most important issues in our society, the migrant identity can be approached from many different angles. We will focus on the use of the migrant identity in art in relation to the image as portrayed in the media.

Eugenia Cooney: Youtube's representative of disordered eating

Lara Hoffmann
13 minutes to read

(Trigger warning: ED and anoxeria). Eugenia Cooney is a YouTuber whose content is highly associated with anorexia and eating disorders. How do Foucault's concepts of power and the dangerous individual apply to a 21st-century social media figure?

Brittany Broski: viral content creator and authentic influencer

Kelly Burnet
10 minutes to read

Brittany Broski is a successful content creator and influencer. In the last year, she has built a big community of loyal followers is still growing rapidly. How did she achieve this? How does she present herself as authentic?

Michelle Obama as a representative of the When We All Vote Squad

How Michelle Obama uses algorithmic knowledge

Ilse van Knegsel
17 minutes to read

Michelle Obama is no longer America's First Lady, but through her social media presence, always being on-message, and algorithmic knowledge, she maintains her political impact.

Hindi Medium, review

Hindi Medium: Everyone has a different starting line from birth (Saket Chaudhary)

Yan Shen
6 minutes to read

The Indian film "Hindi Medium" is a typical realist film in which topics such as education issues, social class issues, rich and poor issues in India are discussed. If you want to get a glimpse of these, this film would be a good starting point.

Master of None and Modern Romances on Television

Chi-chieh Huang
13 minutes to read

The article analyzes Netflix romantic comedy series Master of None under the framework of narrative complexity. The analysis showcases how the series subverts common conventions of its genre.

HBO’s Euphoria is not just another teen drama

Lola Vos
10 minutes to read

Euphoria is a new HBO series that follows the lives of a circle of teenagers. In this paper, I describe how Euphoria is unlike any other show about teenagers on TV at the moment thanks to its storytelling techniques.