Platform Affordances and Foreign Policy

Nikki Bergmans
13 minutes to read

This article compares and contrasts Twitter and Facebook discourse, looks at how social media influences foreign policy conversations and considers the influence of platform affordances.
- a thesis extract

This article compares and contrasts Twitter and Facebook discourse, looks at how social media influences foreign policy conversations and considers the influence of platform affordances.
- a thesis extract

Replika advertisement

Replika: the imaginary friend of the digital age

Wulan Bekker
11 minutes to read

This article explores the extent to which social relationships with AI chatbots are possible while using Replika as a case study. This research argues that post-digital society’s view on relationships has altered due to AI interactions.

"Can A Dog be Twins?" and Other Questions No One Is Talking About

Clara Daniels
8 minutes to read

"Can A Dog be Twins?" Is all it takes for the main character to blow up online, to travel the world attending conferences to talk about how the internet has changed, transformed, yes, revolutionised communication! Yet all WE get is memes

Witch in the woods

#Hexit: witches in Dutch political discourse

Ruben den Boer
14 minutes to read

Witches are hardly political figures, but their name and likeliness are used in Dutch political discourse, for example in the hashtag #hexit. So, what actually is the discursive function of witches is in Dutch political discourse?

A truthful conversation with ChatGPT

Noortje Bisschop
17 minutes to read

This article examines AI's position in the debate between a universal type of truth and a post-truth narrative by means of an interview with ChatGPT. 

digital media, platform ideologies, digital ideologies

Digital economy and platform ideologies

Working paper
Ico Maly

Can we analyse digital media platforms as producers of ideology? Ico Maly lays out a framework to do exactly that. 

Illustration by @_rosedosed on Instagram

We moeten het hebben over respect

Academic paper
Tjeerd van de Laar
14 minutes to read

Kritische analyse van het woord respect in de recent (2021) gewijzigde wetgeving over burgerschap in het funderend onderwijs. Tevens bied ik een alternatief voor de huidige formulering van de wet aan de hand van het begrip tolerantie.