Elk academisch debat heeft minstens twee kanten

Jan Jaap de Ruiter

In dit blog ga ik in op een eerder stuk van collega Michiel Bot over de vraag of Tilburg University over moet gaan tot een boycot van Israëlische zusterinstellingen.

My goodbye to Omegle

Naomi Hofman

The platform known for randomized global video chatting is dead. Omegle, launched in March 2009, has ceased to exist. Date of death: November 8th, 2023. Perpetrator: Leif K-Brooks of Brattleboro, Vermont. Also known as: the founder of Omegle. 

Digital rendering of a dark skinned male face, dark background

Generative AI and the uncanny valley (and a call to action)

Ruben den Boer

Understanding how we perceive AI-generated content is not only new and exciting. It is urgent. As students and scholars of digital culture, we should develop an empirically grounded understanding of this new mode of discourse. 

Squid Game’s criticism on Capitalism, Classism and Worker’s Rights

Luna-Anastasia Riedel

This paper will analyse how the TV-Show ‘Squid Game’ criticizes labour and capitalism in South Korea while also taking historic events into consideration to show that this issue is not just a recent one but one that has been going on for a while.

Dystopian Narratives: Squid Game and Parasite

Luna-Anastasia Riedel

Parasite and Squid Game are examples of cinematic dystopian narratives which teach about classism and capitalism from the viewpoint of the directors and criticise the concepts while being highly entertaining.

South Korea and its Soft Power Boom

Luna-Anastasia Riedel

This paper will discuss the meaning of soft power with a focus on South Korea and its ways of using said soft power and which influence this has on a local but also global level.

Grave of the Fireflies; a Movie Analysis

Luna-Anastasia Riedel

Grave of the Fireflies is a Japanese anime drama movie published in 1988 through Studio Ghibli and discusses the story of fourteen-year-old Seita and four-year-old Setsuko, who are trying to survive in Japan in 1945 during the second world war

Twitch, Exhibitionism and Neo-Panopticism

Daniel Obubo

In this blog post a focus will be made on the predominantly videogame streaming platform, Twitch and will explore the concepts of empowering exhibitionism

Are you the Imposter?

Luna-Anastasia Riedel

This paper will talk about the rise of video game culture and videoludification in connection to gamification, social practices and community formation through Twitch Streamers  and in specific, the game Among Us.