Elk academisch debat heeft minstens twee kanten

Jan Jaap de Ruiter

In dit blog ga ik in op een eerder stuk van collega Michiel Bot over de vraag of Tilburg University over moet gaan tot een boycot van Israëlische zusterinstellingen.

My goodbye to Omegle

Naomi Hofman

The platform known for randomized global video chatting is dead. Omegle, launched in March 2009, has ceased to exist. Date of death: November 8th, 2023. Perpetrator: Leif K-Brooks of Brattleboro, Vermont. Also known as: the founder of Omegle. 

Digital rendering of a dark skinned male face, dark background

Generative AI and the uncanny valley (and a call to action)

Ruben den Boer

Understanding how we perceive AI-generated content is not only new and exciting. It is urgent. As students and scholars of digital culture, we should develop an empirically grounded understanding of this new mode of discourse. 

Mark Rutte

Digitale media in het coalitieakkoord van Rutte IV

Ruben den Boer

Op woensdag 15 december 2021 presenteerden de formerende partijleiders na een historisch lange formatieperiode hun coalitieakkoord. Wat zegt het document over digitale media?

Spotify Wrapped abstract visual

What does your Spotify Wrapped say about you?

Ruben den Boer

Spotify Wrapped is fun. But what if there’s more to it than just fun? What if the Spotify Wrapped tradition tells us something about contemporary online culture, about the influence of tech companies, and - ultimately - about ourselves? 

The Sudokus from Cracking the Cryptic have taken up a significant portion of my and my father's conversations. What makes these Sudokus so exciting and how do they contribute to the unique connection between my dad and me?

How Gen Z shops

How Gen Z shops

Jelske van Es

Gen Z makes up almost 40 percent of all consumer shopping. How does Gen Z shop? And what do they value in a brand?

This paper explores and explains Transmedia as a concept while using the Star Trek franchise as a case study. Focus will be drawn towards Star Trek Lower Decks, the franchises’ latest iteration.

 Movies in 2020

COVID-19 in film: Signifier and Myth

Joël Eduard Nicholas Grassère

The film industry has changed drastically during COVID-19. The pandemic has changed both streaming services and cinemas. Personalization and oligopoly are the keywords in this. How does this reflect society? Find out by clicking this article. 

Blizzard Entertainment an online game company made the controversial decision to ban a professional gamer for making his political stance towards Hong Kong known, now their own fictional character is becoming the mascot of the movement, how?.

Disney Castle

Disney castle: semiotics and variation

Joël Eduard Nicholas Grassère

The Disney Castle is widely known image. But how does it function as a sign?What does it signify to whom? And what can we say about the variety of Disney Castles? This paper goes into all of that and more, including the history behind this icon.