Digital knowledge

The power duo hosts of AB Drink Talk

Womb with a view- Episode 1

Xiaofan Betty Takala

"Womb with a View" podcast, hosted by SipSquad, delves into the ethical implications of artificial wombs. Discussions on gender equality, reproductive autonomy, and legalities offer insights and the potential of this technology.

The Silicon and the Scalpel: Wearable Wellness

Maartje Verschuuren

Welcome to the podcast The Silicon and the Scalpel. This episode dives into Wearable Wellness with special guest Vanessa van der Vlugt. We talk about changes within the use of smartwatches for health implementations and what has changed.

Sex Education in 2045: a podcast about the future

Moon Stubbe

Join Tommy and Moon in envisioning holographic AI educators transforming sex education. Explore inclusivity, empathy, and tech in high school learning."

The Rosetta Network - Imagined by Milo Miranda

Milo Miranda

Exploring Rosetta's innovative potential for personal development and artistic expression, bridging human potential and technology in the speculative landscape of 2045.

A picture of a Gothic building

Lifelong learning: the Dark Academia aesthetic as a taste regime

Iris Dumoulin
10 minutes to read

In this article, I will explore how dark academia can be defined as a taste regime and how specific practices relate to the investment in practical knowledge in order to gain capital on social, economic, and cultural levels.

Image 1: Birds Aren’t Real van and the founder of the movement Peter McIndoe

Birds Aren't Real: a post-truth 'conspiracy' paradox

Lily Francois
7 minutes to read

The Birds Aren't Real is a parody social movement with a purpose: making fun of misinformation in a post-truth world dominated by online conspiracy theories