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Generative AI

Generative AI refers to deep learning synthesis technologies that create computational content such as images or memes from text.

Audience Labour

likes, shares, clicks, comments, views, posts, only data to gain more visibility in the hybrid media system (Maly, 2020)

Economy of virality

The economy of virality grounds in the commercialization of our society. The content is not sold anymore, but our attention is (which has to be quantified in clicks, likes, etc.)! 


The spreading of digital content, such as images, videos, or links, in a short period of time through online media such as Social Networking Sites (SNSs) and electronic mail,  shared by a large number of people.
Hong Kong Protesters

#MilkTeaAlliance: Social Media and big organizing in Hong Kong

My Pham
12 minutes to read

The Hong Kong protestors of the pro-democracy movement are expected to continue marching in 2021. Despite the violent clashes with police, their robust actions have caught the whole world's attention. 

Kaitlin Bennett: The New Right Metapolitical Influencer

Caya Van Der Plas
16 minutes to read

This article analyzes how Kaitlin Bennett, the self-proclaimed 'most hated conservative woman on the internet', has made a succesful career as a metapolitical influencer using her knowledge about the affordances of digital media.

An image of the YouTube homepage with recommended videos in dark mode

Content Moderation on YouTube and its Effects on Users

Elise Stegmann
9 minutes to read

The effect of the YouTube Adpocalypse on how content is moderated on YouTube, and how content creators are negatively affected by these moderations

How does TikTok’s algorithm work?

Gergana Mihaylova
9 minutes to read

TikTok has rapidly grown over the years, becoming one of the biggest platforms of our time. But TikTok's algorithm has caused many harms to its users. TikTok's algorithm introduces us to an updated version called, "the beauty algorithm"

aesthetic instagram slideshow

Instagram slideshows: making the political 'aesthetic'

Jessaline Tanjung
15 minutes to read

This article explores how Instagram slide shows rose to prominence during the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, and what this means for the future of online activism.