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Online-offline nexus

The online-offline nexus is a description of social reality in the post-digital age. We live our social lives increasingly at the intersection of online and offline forces.


Orientalism refers to a long tradition of Western representations of the Orient as exotic and 'non-coeval' with the West.

Linguistic landscape

Linguistic landscape is an object of sociolinguistic analysis and comprises publicly visible language samples displayed in a certain area.


Superdiversity (also written as super-diversity) refers to two major changes occurring across the world after the end of the Cold War: (a) new patterns of migration causing demographc changes, and (b) the emerging internet and its generalized spread, influencing all aspects of social, cultural and economic life.


Globalization refers to the process of increasing interconnectedness between different parts of the world, creating global modes of organization and conduct. 

A dangerous translation: A case study of the Japanese periphery

Catalina Amengual Ripoll
11 minutes to read

Even though international exchange has increased enormously over the past years, mistranslations are still not uncommon - but what if a mistranslation might actually lead to danger? Like being attacked by a wild bear in the middle of Japan?

This article seeks to explorer the way in which world politics appear in local music.

Pop music and Trump: World politics in local popular music

Renske Jacobs
14 minutes to read

Globalization has changed the production of music. In this paper, we explore the way in which world politics appear in local music and how audiences engage with this, through two case studies of songs by De Staat and The 1975.

What is 'Live Facial Recognition' and how dangerous is it?

Lea Goeron
11 minutes to read

In a more and more digitalised world new technologies are on the rise. This article explores what live facial recognition is and what dangers and possible threats it introduces.


Revealing racist words in the superdiverse era

Anne Marte Gardenier
11 minutes to read

This article focuses on Dutch vocabulary changes that are brought on by inter-cultural contact as a result of globalization. The superdiverse population of the Netherlands is raising awareness for racist Dutch vocabulary. 

Covid-19: A World United, A World Apart

Ana Deumert
8 minutes to read

Covid-19 affects us all, but it affects us differently. In this column I look at #StayAtHome policies outside of middle-class realities, and argue for caring and compassionate policy interventions that support the most vulnerable.

Vlogging during the coronavirus crisis

Mingyi Hou
7 minutes to read

Chinese student Yi Dahua’s vlogging from Turin, Italy has made him a micro-celebrity during the coronavirus crisis. His case illustrates a "boundary-blurred" public sphere with widely varied public communication on the pandemic.

Durbuy, the smallest city in the world, as amusement parc

Sarah-Maria Geradin
20 minutes to read

Durbuy, the smallest city in the world, will soon be bigger than Disneyland due to the project developed by Marc Coucke, a Belgian billionaire. Promised to be respectful of the area, will this project truly be sustainable?