Digital media and Politics

This article is written as part of one of the courses of the BA Online Culture: Art, Media and Society or the MA Online Culture at Tilburg University. Click on the link for more info on the courses and the programme.

In this international Bachelor’s program Online Culture: Art, Media and Society (Culture Studies) the focus is on digital culture and (new) media. From disciplines such as cultural studies and media studies you study how digitalization and globalization influence our way of living. You discuss new ways of communication, art expressions as well as (social) media expressions like memes and trolls. You research how such ways of communication and expressions are established and how they manifest in, and have influence on a society that increasingly takes place online. Additionally, you actively contribute to digital culture by writing papers and opinion pieces for our own online platform Diggit Magazine.

Jacinda Ardern smiling in the camera, posing with a piece of pie.

Jacinda Ardern: New Zealand's most eminent political influencer

Lea Goeron
12 minutes to read

Jacinda Ardern is one of the most popular politicians worldwide thanks to her online presence. This paper focuses on how she uses social media to boost her popularity and remain relevant as a political figure in New Zealand.

aesthetic instagram slideshow

Instagram slideshows: making the political 'aesthetic'

Jessaline Tanjung
15 minutes to read

This article explores how Instagram slide shows rose to prominence during the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, and what this means for the future of online activism. 

Protests in Bulgaria: "Mafia" Out

Savina Karneva
12 minutes to read

Bulgaria has faced significant protests against a corrupt government in 2020. This paper presents an analysis of how activists have used social media to coordinate political actions and gain international attention for their cause.

The Metapolitics of Bioshock Infinite

Daniel Obubo
16 minutes to read

This article seeks to explore these themes in the world of Bioshock Infinite and analyze them from a metapolitical perspective. The article will examine how these themes play a role in our present-day political discourse.

#warrenselfie, Elisabeth Warren posing for a selfie

Elizabeth Warren: Campaigning with selfies

Rianne Janssen
11 minutes to read

Elizabeth Warren, a Democratic candidate for the 2020 US presidential elections, uses the strategy of the ‘selfie lines’. What is it and how does it work?