digital culture, Lauren Zentz

Digital culture in 2019

The Editors

Digital culture refers to culture shaped by the emergence and use of digital technologies. Digital technologies are so omnipresent around the world that the study of digital culture potentially encompasses all aspects of everyday life, and is not limited to the internet or modern communication technologies.

What about digital Culture and academia?

As a result of this evolution, Diggit Magazine wondered, how exactly did digitalization reshape the humanties. We therefor asked scholars all over the world to reflect on the impact of digitalization on their research field.

Odile Heynders

Odile Heynders on Digital Culture in 2018 & 2019

The Editors

How will digital culture impact your research in the future? Odile Heynders proposes to "revisit poststructuralist philosophers such as J.F. Lyotard and J. Derrida to rethink the digital context as a dynamic textual universe."

Joachim Benyakoub

Joachim Ben Yakoub on Digital Culture in 2018 & 2019

The Editors

In this end-of-year interview Joachim Ben Yakoub (UGent) reflects on the (non)-impact of discourses on digitalization and digital culture on how the Tunesian revolution was understood in Western mainstream media. 

Ana Deumert

Ana Deumert on Digital Culture in 2018 & 2019

The Editors

For Ana Deumert, digital culture has not only impacted her research, but also her teaching. Last year for example, she started using WhatsApp with her students - which, according to her, encouraged 'peer learning', 

Alexandra Georgakopoulou expects Facebook and other ‘big’ platforms to continue their aggressive expansion in 2019 into all sorts of domains. In this interview she elaborates further on that idea.

Benjamin De Cleen

Benjamin De Cleen on Digital Culture in 2018 & 2019

The Editors

According to Benjamin De Cleen, we need to be careful with making big claims about the impact of new media technology. However, people do need to consider important changes in the discourse and in the communication strategies.

Philip Seargeant

Philip Seargeant on Digital Culture in 2018 and 2019

The Editors

"Digital culture is so pervasive, there’s often very little analytic use in making hard distinctions between the online and offline worlds." Philip Seargeant from the Open University talks about digital culture, language and politics

Lauren Zentz

Lauren Zentz on Digital Culture in 2018 and 2019

The Editors

In this interview Lauren Zentz shares her thoughts about the impact of digital culture, and talks about her hopes for the future. For instance, she hopes that her work will contribute to our understandings of how to conduct sociolinguistic and ethnographic research that accounts for the power and even the ubiquity of the internet in many people’s daily lives.

In order to make research accessible and relevant, academics have to be retrained on how to do research in the digital age. They also have to stop living in ivory towers. Check out our interview with Najma Al Zidjaly for this, and much more.