Digital Discourse and Methodology

The Editors

Methodology can be considered the researcher's toolkit; without it, they simply wouldn't get anything done. In this file we have compiled articles, papers, videos and wikis that zoom in on the methodologies of studying digital discourse. 

Portret of Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro in the hybrid media system: methodology and methods

Ruben den Boer
12 minutes to read

This article presents a detailed account of the methodologies and methods we deployed while investigating how Ben Shapiro uses mainstream digital media to have a voice in the hybrid media system.

Tommaso Venturini

Tommaso Venturini on Controversy Mapping

The Editors

Tommaso Venturini avoided questions about the meaning of 'controversies' and 'Controversy Mapping'. But that's no longer the case. In this video, he explains what 'Controversy Mapping' is and why it is relevant.

Digital Issue Mapping

Issue mapping is a concept to study the social connections made when actors interact and create bonds. It asks how a matter of “fact” becomes a matter of “concern” when connections are made, and can be an especially fruitful way to study online culture and phenomena.

Multimodal Discourse Analysis

Multimodal discourse analysis is a method that takes into account multiple modes of communication and how they interact with one another.

Actor-Network Theory (ANT)

Actor-Network Theory is a theoretical and methodological approach that sees all social phenomena as the product of network interactions. It is unique in that it recognizes both objects and technologies as network nodes equal with human actants.

Digital ethnography

Digital ethnography is a specific approach to research ‘on online practices and communications, and on offline practices shaped by digitalisation’


Discourse can be seen as language-in-action, something that is effectively used in communication.