The Hybrid Media System, attention economy

The Hybrid Media System, Data Voids and Junk News

The Editors

The hybrid media system is a concept introduced by communication scholar Chadwick (2017) to highlight that different types of media not only co-exist, but form a system that evolves through mutual (inter)actions among older and newer media logics. In this file we show how different actors use that system for political and other goals.

The Hybrid Media System and Junk News

Donald trump

Trump, lies, and hydroxychloroquine: a case study

Victoria Mohr
13 minutes to read

This paper analyzes the media storm around hydroxychloroquine as a potential COVID-19 treatment through the lens of Golebiewski and boyd's concept of data voids (2018) and Venturini's concept of 'junk news' (2019). 

Fake news, hybrid media, politics and democracy

Defining fake news in a hybrid media system

Judith Evens
12 minutes to read

This article unravels various definitions of fake news and situates it within a context of hybrid media, politics and democracy. Fake news can be overwhelming. I aim to bring a little bit of order into the chaotic world of fake news.

Handing out the pitchforks: BuzzFeed and mediated digilantism

Astrid Fokkema
15 minutes to read

'Digilante' BuzzFeed posts shows how the news outlet taps into the anger of the crowds to mediate digilantism. Readers are invited to participate in online shaming but also prove to be critical of BuzzFeed as a normative power. 

"Dems Fraud": Far Right and Data Voids on

Carmen Gabriela Lupu
11 minutes to read

This article deals with the 'dems fraud' data void on DuckDuckGo. While striving to overcome filter bubbles, DuckDuckGo has been overtaken by the New Right's optimized information ecosystem that only spreads their views. 


The Army for Trump and Trump’s war against Sleepy Joe

Ico Maly
15 minutes to read

Trump's 2020 election campaign is adopting war metaphors in an attempt at big organizing aiming to create an "army" of supporters. These efforts are supported by a masterful use of the hybrid media system against Joe Biden's most moderate campaign.

The coronavirus, the attention economy and far-right junk news

Ico Maly
9 minutes to read

The coronavirus has devastating consequences for social life in all corners of the world. For some, this global pandemic is an opportunity to reach a wide audience, to make money or to further a political agenda. 

AOC, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, maiden speech, CSPAN

How AOC turned C-SPAN into a media hit

Jan Blommaert
6 minutes to read

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez congressional hearing interventions have turned C-SPAN's traditionally unspectacular broadcasts into a highly successful hybrid media format.

white terrorism, deus vult, crusader, knights templar

White terrorism, white genocide and metapolitics2.0

Ico Maly
7 minutes to read

The terrorist attack in New Zealand has an offline and an online dimension and it is crucial that we take this online/offline nexus on board when analyzing contemporary white terrorism. says Ico Maly (Tilburg University).