
Lies, Laws, and Literature: What Franz Kafka Teaches Us about Power and Politics Today

Katherine Huber
11 minutes to read

What can we learn about contemporary by reading the work of Franz Kafka? In this article, Kate Huber and Odile Heynders address The Trial, pro-palestine protests, The Metamorphosis and the toeslagenaffaire.

How Marianne Williamson rises without mass media attention

Thu Pham
16 minutes to read

Marianne Williamson is running for the 2024 U.S. presidential elections against all odds. In this article, we look at how she uses social media to gain attention and get her message across to voters in a hybrid media system.

Illustration by @_rosedosed on Instagram

We moeten het hebben over respect

Academic paper
Tjeerd van de Laar
14 minutes to read

Kritische analyse van het woord respect in de recent (2021) gewijzigde wetgeving over burgerschap in het funderend onderwijs. Tevens bied ik een alternatief voor de huidige formulering van de wet aan de hand van het begrip tolerantie. 

European flag

EU and Digital Literacy Skills in Europe's Digital Decade

Femke Pulles
11 minutes to read

With the emergence of digitalisation, people need to navigate through the online world. Europe recognised this and aims to get 80% of the EU population digitally literate by 2030. This article analyses the goal's feasibility.

The Risks of Civil Disobedience Influenced by Online Culture

Academic paper
Bas Keemink
17 minutes to read

On the basis of Ernesto Laclau's theory of political movements and current societal changes, this paper demonstrates that actions of civil disobedience in modern society that adhere to Arendt's criteria still have unfavorable effects.

Image by Anete Lusina

Literaire fictie in de democratische publieke ruimte

Odile Heynders
19 minutes to read

De democratie is in verval. Kunnen we literaire fictie gebruiken om het tij te keren? Odile Heynders bespreekt 'Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg' van Rodaan Al Galidi en 'Het uur van de olifant' van Otto de Kat om antwoord te geven.