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Metapolitics started from the idea of ‘the primacy of culture over politics as the premise to a revolution in the spirit of ‘right-wing Gramscism’ (Griffin, 2000).
scotland, brexit, eu-families

EU families feel more welcome in Scotland than they do in the rest of the UK

Marie Godin
5 minutes to read

Drawing on new research, Marie Godin and Nando Sigona find evidence that despite Brexit uncertainty, EU families living in Scotland feel they belong to the national community to a greater extent than in other parts of the UK.

screenshot My People, My Country

China's National Day Blockbuster: My People, My Country

Mingyi Hou
15 minutes to read

'My people, my country'  - a Chinese movie promoting a patriotic zeal and dominant political agenda - becomes a worldwide hype not only in China, but also in the Chinese diaspora.Why is that?

nation of immigrants, nation of laws

A Nation of Immigrants or a Nation of Laws?

Rosalyn Negrón
8 minutes to read

The very American phrase "nation of immigrants, nation of laws" now characterizes very different and polarized Americas.

brexit, migration, EU, breaking up families, nationality, boris johnson

How EU families in Britain are coping with Brexit uncertainty

Nando Sigona
5 minutes to read

Brexit is usually thought of in terms of the nation and the EU. Less attention is spent on the impact of the Brexit negotations on mixed families and the uncertainty it creates. 

forum voor democratie, thierry baudet

Thierry Baudet and Forum for Democracy


Who are Thierry Baudet and Theo Hiddema? How can we understand Forum voor Democratie and what is their ideology? You can read all about them in our file.