Beauty and digital culture

The Editors

Nowadays our lives and our actions are greatly influenced by social media platforms. Social media such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many others have become essential features of our everyday life. Beauty standards are now being constructed and enforced by influencers on a global scale.

First male beauty blogger (age 17) becomes a Cover Boy

How to -movies and virality: Male beauty bloggers

Nataliia Vdovychenko
19 minutes to read

Male beauty bloggers are a new internet sensation with millions of followers, viral videos and inspiring life stories. How did they become so successful?

woman, advertisement, the perfect body

#BodyPositive: Disrupting Normativity Online

Victoria Mohr
11 minutes to read

#bodypositive has been used by more than 4 million users on Instagram. This paper uses a Foucauldian lens to explore how body positive Instagrammers counter normative discourses of the body in western societies. 

Fashion as tyranny: beauty standards and social pressure

Meauraine van Gorp
8 minutes to read

This article looks at the influence of fashion on women from different cultures. This article shows that women can be influenced by the ideals of a society and that fashion can be used in order to be included or excluded.