Breivik's forged police ID

Breivik, his sources and his legacy

The Editors

On July 22, 2011, a young Norwegian man called Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 people in Oslo, most of whom were members of a social-democratic youth organization. This act of terror was motivated by Breivik in a 1500-page long manifesto, in which Breivik sketched a view of his Nordic race being threatened by Islamic genocide due to the actions of domestic traitors: cultural Marxists, feminists, multiculturalists. He also offered detailed guidelines for preparing similar violent actions. 

Breivik was convicted in Norway as a 'lone wolf'. A close analysis of the manifesto, however, shows that he was connected to several 'groups in the shadows'. The entire manifesto was written on the basis of online sources. And behind your computer, you are never alone. 

Breivik has recently become the topic of a Netflix movie, and several groups across Europe implicitly or explicitly display elements of Breivik's worldview and political strategy. It is high time we devote some attention to him and the world he constructed in his manifesto.  

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The terrorist attack in New Zealand has an offline and an online dimension and it is crucial that we take this online/offline nexus on board when analyzing contemporary white terrorism. says Ico Maly (Tilburg University).

Anders Behring Breivik and the Knights Templar.

Lida Nout
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Exploring Breivik: A “Lone Wolf”s War against Cultural Marxism

Stella Veranoudi
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This paper provides an analysis of the connection between the online/offline anti-cultural Marxism communities and individuals starting with Anders Breivik, as we study his "2083" manifesto.

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Why has Cultural Marxism become the enemy?

Jan Blommaert
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Cultural Marxism is blamed for "globalism" and its discontents. Perhaps exploring globalization can be an alternative for this deeply flawed conspiracy theory.

Utoya island

No Man is an Island: Locating Breivik in Islamophobic Discourse Online

Victoria Mohr
10 minutes to read

The 2011 shootings on Utoya, Norway were a shock for Europe. The shooter, Anders Breivik, stated he was acting alone and was declared a ‘lone wolf’. Breivik claimed he was acting alone, but is it really possible to act alone in a digital age?