The Global New Right

The Editors

The so-called Global New Right is on the Rise. Trump is not an exception. Brexit in the UK, AFD in Germany, FPÖ in Austria, Wilders and Forum voor Democratie in the Netherlands: they are all local manifestations of a global phenomenon. In this file, we group several files and articles on New Right parties all over the world. 

white terrorism, deus vult, crusader, knights templar

White terrorism, white genocide and metapolitics2.0

Ico Maly
7 minutes to read

The terrorist attack in New Zealand has an offline and an online dimension and it is crucial that we take this online/offline nexus on board when analyzing contemporary white terrorism. says Ico Maly (Tilburg University).

Farage, Brexit and the anti-Enlightenment

Dieuwertje Schipper
13 minutes to read

After Brexit, we can see what a success Farage's campaign has been. By talking about the right issues during crises, Farage appealed to a certain population in the UK. His active online campaign was also a major contributing factor in his success.

Anti-Referendum Protest, Bucharest Romania

The Case of Romania’s Family Referendum

Alina Andrei
10 minutes to read

When doing politics, doing nothing is clearly not the right approach – but doing nothing was the effective strategy by which the hateful acts of the Romanian government, framed as a Family Referendum, were stopped on the 6th and 7th of October.

The New Right, Paul Joseph Watson and YouTube

Carmen Gabriela Lupu
10 minutes to read

This article deals with Paul Joseph Watson's YouTube career. As the Global New Right has quickly spread their content over the Internet, a new scene of New Right YouTubers has appeared.

Dr. Ico Maly from Tilburg University recently published 'De hedendaagse antiverlichting' (The contemporary anti-Enlightenment). In this video he explains how politicians are propagating anti-Enlightenment ideas under the flag of 'democracy', and why — within this discourse — the nation is key. 

slavic union

Slavic Union is on the rise in Eastern Europe

Nataliia Vdovychenko
20 minutes to read

Much of the information about Alt-Right nowadays comes from 'the West'. This is not very accurate, because the movement is strong and growing in Eastern Europe. This article describes the concept of Slavia and why we should know about it.

gab, metapolitics, speakfreely, democracy, altright, new right

GAB, fake news and metapolitics

Ico Maly
9 minutes to read

GoDaddy’s decision to pull support for GAB is again used as 'proof' for the powerful political myth that the left censors right wing voices

Nordic Theory and Breivik's ideal society

Sarah-Maria Geradin
10 minutes to read

People have all sorts of ideas about what ‘the ideal society’ should or could be. Anders Breivik, the Norwegian terrorist who killed 77 people in 2011, also had an ideal society in mind and wrote it down in his manifesto. Who were his sources?

Jair Bolsonaro

Big Man politics 2.0

Jan Blommaert
5 minutes to read

Big Man politics used to be an exotic and marginal phenomenon, but algoritmic populists such as Bolsonaro, Trump, Orbán and others made it one of the dominant formats of 21st century power.

Breivik's forged police ID

Breivik, his sources and his legacy


A file on the Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik and his view of the world.

algorithmic populism, bots, social bots, Trump, make america great again, algorithmic activism

Algorithmic populism and algorithmic activism

Ico Maly
12 minutes to read

Digitalization gave birth to a new kind of populism: algorithmic populism. Algorithmic populism cannot be understood without taking the uptake and algorithmic activism in particular into account.

Exploring Breivik: A “Lone Wolf”s War against Cultural Marxism

Stella Veranoudi
11 minutes to read

This paper provides an analysis of the connection between the online/offline anti-cultural Marxism communities and individuals starting with Anders Breivik, as we study his "2083" manifesto.

Utoya island

No Man is an Island: Locating Breivik in Islamophobic Discourse Online

Victoria Mohr
10 minutes to read

The 2011 shootings on Utoya, Norway were a shock for Europe. The shooter, Anders Breivik, stated he was acting alone and was declared a ‘lone wolf’. Breivik claimed he was acting alone, but is it really possible to act alone in a digital age?

Schild & Vrienden, Schild en Vrienden, nieuw rechts,

Waarom Schild en Vrienden geen marginaal fenomeen is

Ico Maly
14 minutes to read

Schild en Vrienden kunnen we niet begrijpen als een louter Vlaamse actiegroep. In elke actie is de globale dimensie van dit Nieuw Rechtse activisme duidelijk, zo stelt Ico Maly (Tilburg University)

Marine Le Pen Fake Feminist

Marine le Pen: a fake feminist?

Nadadja Binder
11 minutes to read

How has Marine Le Pen been using her feminine side? And what can we learn from FEMEN's protests against Le Pen, and more specifically against her feminism?

steve bannon marine le pen front national rassemblement national populism congress party jean marie le pen

From Front National to Rassemblement National

Ruben Bastiaanse
4 minutes to read

Rassemblement National should become the new rallying cry for nationalists in France and make Front National salonfähig. How Marine Le Pen and Steve Bannon attempt to pour old nationalist wine in new bottles. 

Taylor Swift as an Alt-Right icon appropriation

Why is Taylor Swift associated with the Alt-Right movement?

Jady van Leusden
18 minutes to read

Taylor Swift is the embodiment of the perfect Nazi woman. At least, according to some members of the alt-right movement. But why? This is an article on the images behind the pop-icon and the Alt-Right movement that finds a connection.

Pauline Hanson, a good ol’ Aussie 

Bin Chen
8 minutes to read

Australia has seen Hanson call Islam a disease and belittle Asians for not assimilating and forming ghettos instead. In this essay, Bin Chen looks into the xenophobic discourse Hanson used on ethnic minorities in Australia.

farage, migration, immigration

How Nigel Farage speaks about immigration

Eveline van der Weijden
18 minutes to read

In this article, Nigel Farage's discourse and Social Media posts are analysed with regards to his and his former party's (UKIP) stance on immigration.

The online world of Thierry Baudet and Forum voor Democratie

Miah Ke-leigh
16 minutes to read

A paper focusing on the online world of Forum Voor Democratie, a right wing Dutch political party, and its leader Thierry Baudet. What do their online activities tell us about the party's goals?

The algorithmic populism of Alice Weidel

Article Raaijmakers
10 minutes to read

Technical developments and the growth of social media have caused politicians to start using social media as a tool for their political campaigns. This is also the case for Alice Weidel: the leader of the AfD. What are the consequences?

The algorithmic populism of Alice Weidel

Article Raaijmakers
10 minutes to read

Technical developments and the growth of social media have caused politicians to start using social media as a tool for their political campaigns. This is also the case for Alice Weidel: the leader of the AfD. What are the consequences?