digital media, platform ideologies, digital ideologies

Digital economy and platform ideologies

Working paper
Ico Maly

Can we analyse digital media platforms as producers of ideology? Ico Maly lays out a framework to do exactly that. 

Max and Nev

Catfish: The TV Show (MTV)

Irene de Groot
3 minutes to read

In Catfish: the TV show hosts Nev and Max help people who are head over heels about someone they met online. A review.

European flag

EU and Digital Literacy Skills in Europe's Digital Decade

Femke Pulles
11 minutes to read

With the emergence of digitalisation, people need to navigate through the online world. Europe recognised this and aims to get 80% of the EU population digitally literate by 2030. This article analyses the goal's feasibility.

Taylor Swift Fans Concert

Taylor Swift and the story of the Swifties fandom

Amber van As
15 minutes to read

The fans of pop icon Taylor Swift call themselves the Swifties. This article will provide an introduction to this social group and its functioning.

De literaire schrijver in het mediatijdperk

Academic paper
Sander Bax
5 minutes to read

Verschillende wetenschappers betogen dat het literaire bedrijf grondig en fundamenteel aan het veranderen is in het mediatijdperk. Literatuurwetenschapper Sander Bax bouwt met zijn studenten aan dit dossier over dit grote transformatieproces. 


On racism and how to read Hannah Arendt

Ana Deumert
8 minutes to read

In this column Ana Deumert looks at the work of Hannah Arendt. She asks how scholars can engage with her work, given the persistent presence of racist tropes in her writings.

remediation intermediality van gogh art

Remediating Van Gogh: How New Media Keep the Painter's World Alive

Marijn van Engelen
13 minutes to read

How can traditional art remain relevant and accessible in times of rapid technological developments? This article discusses the remediation of Van Gogh's work as an example of intermediality.