Marine Le Pen

Front National

The Editors

Marine Le Pen has been a member of Front National since she was eighteen years old. In 2011, Marine Le Pen became president of the party. Her self-proclaimed aim is to 'de-radicalize' the party. But is this only a metapolitical claim, or reality? 


steve bannon marine le pen front national rassemblement national populism congress party jean marie le pen

From Front National to Rassemblement National

Ruben Bastiaanse
4 minutes to read

Rassemblement National should become the new rallying cry for nationalists in France and make Front National salonfähig. How Marine Le Pen and Steve Bannon attempt to pour old nationalist wine in new bottles. 

Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen: 'Vive la France'!

Irene de Groot
13 minutes to read

In this article, Le Pen's image, the issues she discusses and her online media presence will be analyzed, in order to see what type of politician she truly is.

Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen: 'Vive la France'!

Irene de Groot
13 minutes to read

In this article, Le Pen's image, the issues she discusses and her online media presence will be analyzed, in order to see what type of politician she truly is.