Digital media

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Social Media

Social Media is “a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content” (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010).


BookTube is a community on YouTube that focuses primarily on creating content, specifically videos, around the subject of literature and book-related subjects.


Multimodality is frequently characterized as either the interaction among semiotic modes or the integration of semiotic modes or resources (Poulsen, 2014). It approaches comprehending communication and representation to be more than about language.

Generative AI

Generative AI refers to deep learning synthesis technologies that create computational content such as images or memes from text.


A podcast is an episodic audio program or digital file series that can be downloaded on a personal mobile device or computer.

Transmedia Storytelling

Transmedia Storytelling is a concept that explains the distribution of media content across multiple media platforms. In a multi-layered media landscape, content is no longer confined to one medium, but rather works across media boundaries.

Audience Labour

likes, shares, clicks, comments, views, posts, only data to gain more visibility in the hybrid media system (Maly, 2020)

Junk News

Junk news is news that is consumed and goes viral not because it is relevant or appreciated, but because it is addictive (Venturini, 2019).


Hyperlinks are links from one hypertext document to another and usually consist of a highlighted word, phrase, or image. The term was used and elaborated on by Juliette De Maeyer in her article, 'Towards a hyperlinked society: A critical review of link studies'.


Counter-mapping refers to the effort of mapping against dominant power structures with the aim of creating social or political change. 

Data void

Data voids are engine queries that turn up little to no results.

Digital Issue Mapping

Issue mapping is a concept to study the social connections made when actors interact and create bonds. It asks how a matter of “fact” becomes a matter of “concern” when connections are made, and can be an especially fruitful way to study online culture and phenomena.


Surveillance is a mode of power based on the detailed and totalized observation of behavior. It is the prevailing form of power developed and deployed in modernity

Multimodal Discourse Analysis

Multimodal discourse analysis is a method that takes into account multiple modes of communication and how they interact with one another.
remediation intermediality van gogh art

Remediating Van Gogh: How New Media Keep the Painter's World Alive

Marijn van Engelen
13 minutes to read

How can traditional art remain relevant and accessible in times of rapid technological developments? This article discusses the remediation of Van Gogh's work as an example of intermediality. 

MeWe: Mark Weinstein’s technological utopia

Nikki Bergmans
15 minutes to read

This article unravels how Mark Weinstein questions the surveillance capitalist hegemony of Silicon Valley and discursively constructs a technological utopia by translating his beliefs into social media platform MeWe.

Sophie Scholl from the history books to Instagram

@IamSophieScholl: Instagram meets 1942

Nathalie Schabio
12 minutes to read

@IamSophieScholl is a multimedia project that brings Sophie Scholl from the history books into the present through the affordances of social media. This article unravels the tension between fact and fiction inherent in the project. 

Twitter users' comments on the VVD quitting TikTok

Digital privacy or geopolitics: perspectives on the VVD leaving TikTok

Femke van Bree
12 minutes to read

On April 13th, 2023, the VVD announced their retreat from TikTok. How did Twitter users respond to this announcement, and which perspectives regarding TikTok and digital privacy arise? This article intends to find answers to these questions. 

Bearing witness online: How hashtags enabled an uprising in Iran

Prajakta Athlekar
15 minutes to read

This paper explores how the fearless citizens of Iran are bearing witness every single day and strengthening the revolution through witness footage, hashtag framing, and authenticity.