Brexit and its consequences

The Editors

On June 23rd, 2016 there was a referendum in which all citizens of the United Kingdom were allowed to vote. This referendum is called the ‘EU referendum’ or the ‘United Kingdom European Union membership referendum’ as it deals with the question whether the UK should leave or remain in the EU. In this file we go beyond the votes and look at the Brexit from different perspectives. From political online activism, the framing of the voters and the opinions of writers before the Brexit to the linguicide afterwards. 

Did Brexaustion kill Corbyn's media strategy?

Jan Blommaert
12 minutes to read

Analyses of Corbyn's social media campaign overlook something: the fact that politics is played out in a weaponized hybrid media field.

Londoners on Brexit

Nando Sigona
4 minutes to read

Nando Sigona (Birmingham University) argues that London is a EU capital and its superdiversity offers a more welcoming space for EU citizens than elsewhere in Europe. 

scotland, brexit, eu-families

EU families feel more welcome in Scotland than they do in the rest of the UK

Marie Godin
5 minutes to read

Drawing on new research, Marie Godin and Nando Sigona find evidence that despite Brexit uncertainty, EU families living in Scotland feel they belong to the national community to a greater extent than in other parts of the UK.

brexit, migration, EU, breaking up families, nationality, boris johnson

How EU families in Britain are coping with Brexit uncertainty

Nando Sigona
5 minutes to read

Brexit is usually thought of in terms of the nation and the EU. Less attention is spent on the impact of the Brexit negotations on mixed families and the uncertainty it creates. 

Farage, Brexit and the anti-Enlightenment

Dieuwertje Schipper
13 minutes to read

After Brexit, we can see what a success Farage's campaign has been. By talking about the right issues during crises, Farage appealed to a certain population in the UK. His active online campaign was also a major contributing factor in his success.

Brexit : An Online Battle With Offline Casualties

Rebecca Jaffe
14 minutes to read

In the 2016 Brexit referendum, the Leave campaign emerged victorious. This can be somewhat attributed to their effective use of social media strategies across multiple platforms. This article will explore how such tools produced this outcome. 

Farage, meme, british identity, british flag, nationalism, anti-Enlightenment

Nigel Farage's British Identity

I. Duque Femenía
13 minutes to read

What do bell bottoms and nationalism have in common? The are both outdated…and apparently back in style. Nigel Farage uses British Identity in ways reminiscent of past decades, from introspective foreign policy to who counts as a national. Groovy?

farage, migration, immigration

How Nigel Farage speaks about immigration

Eveline van der Weijden
18 minutes to read

In this article, Nigel Farage's discourse and Social Media posts are analysed with regards to his and his former party's (UKIP) stance on immigration.

farage, migration, immigration

How Nigel Farage speaks about immigration

Eveline van der Weijden
18 minutes to read

In this article, Nigel Farage's discourse and Social Media posts are analysed with regards to his and his former party's (UKIP) stance on immigration.

Cees Nooteboom, Zadie Smith, David van Reybrouck over Brexit

Odile Heynders
15 minutes to read

Odile Heynders analyseert hoe schrijvers zich als publieke intellectuelen engageren in het Brexit debat. Ze eindigt met een vurig betoog over de noodzaak van publieke interventies van schrijvers als tegengif tegen de tabloidisering. 

The case against Linguaphobia

Yaron Matras
4 minutes to read

In the wake of Brexit, universities have a duty to promote the benefits of linguistic diversity more than ever, says Yaron Matras (Multilingual Manchester).

Going native: Brexit prompts linguistic cleansing

Dennis Baron
7 minutes to read

Brexit is generating a wave of linguistic purism.French politicians urged the EU to drop English as one of its 24 official languages, And now, a British group wants to erase French words from English passports. (Dennis Baron)

Brexit and online political activism

Isabell Wutz
19 minutes to read

Isabell Wutz and Lisanne Nugteren (Tilburg University) argue that in the context of the Brexit. that vox populism, slacktivism and online intertextuality have an adverse effect to the representativeness of the public debate.

Click here to save the world!

Isabell Wutz
6 minutes to read

Digitalization brought a new form of political participation labelled slacktivism. Slacktivism can harm real-life political activism. It only gives a feeling of self justification instead of actually achieving political goals.